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Prophet Julie Green - Your Enemies Are Being Forced Out of Their Positions - Captions
Julie announces an upcoming 'Holy Ghost and Fire' event and shares her excitement while encouraging attendees to come expecting miracles. She discusses the anticipation of God's miraculous works during the event and reassures those who can't attend in person that there will be live streaming. Julie then touches on President Trump's campaign success, attributing it to divine intervention amid legal struggles. She discusses political dynamics, mentioning conspiracies, fake leaders, and government corruption, while citing various prophecies and biblical scriptures asserting the eventual divine justice. The episode is interspersed with calls for faith, the importance of standing firm in belief, and concludes with a prayer session focusing on freedom from various forms of oppression, physical and mental health issues, and encouragement to trust in God's word.
00:00 Introduction and Event Announcement
00:21 Miraculous Expectations and Live Streaming
02:23 Trump's Campaign Success and Political Commentary
06:04 Prophetic Insights and Encouragement
09:29 Upcoming Schedule and Event Details
11:23 Prophetic Word and Deep Fakes
21:20 God's Justice and Encouragement
47:29 Strength Through Adversity
48:28 Psalm 81: A Call to Listen
50:12 God's Judgment on Evildoers
51:36 Exposing Deepfakes and Deception
54:05 The Fall of Corrupt Leaders
57:18 Secrets and Whistleblowers
01:08:58 Political Reset and Divine Intervention
01:19:33 Breaking Chains and Finding Freedom
01:25:55 Encouragement and Final Prayers
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
Today’s Scriptures:
Ps. 2:4
Gen. 50:20
Ps. 47:1-3. 8
Ps. 94:1-23
Ps. 52:1-9
Ps. 103:19-20
Ps. 102:2
Prov. 12:7
Jer. 1:8-10, 12
Job 22:28
Ps. 105:5-8, 24
1 John 4:4
Eph. 6:10
Neh. 8:10
2 Cor. 12:7-9
Ps. 81:7-8, 13-14
Ps. 37:9-10, 12-13
John 8:36
Look to God to save you. Not to man.
God is in control. Not your enemies.
God wins and He has the final say.
Your enemies want to cause chaos and disruption and fear. But you know how to fight the right way (Sword of the Spirit) and make your enemies afraid.
Have a Firm Focused Foundation on the Father.
God will not turn His back on His chosen nation.
God punishes the guilty.
Say God's Words, shout His Words, trust in Him.
Speak God's Words and He will perform them.
You are not to sit on the sidelines. You are to say and do something. WAR (Worship and resist then the wicked are restricted).
There's nothing stronger than the strength of God.
His grace is sufficient. Don't rely on your ability.
God is allowing things to shake because He wants His children to listen to Him and walk in His ways.
It's always been the enemy against God. But none of his tactics ever work. He cannot overthrow God in the Earth that God created.
One day is all God needs to save a nation.
God is going to release His Glory and His power on this Earth like never before. God's Glory is going to shine!
God needs His people free from everything that is keeping them from His Glory.
Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, June 3rd. I am so excited about this week. I can't even tell you how excited I am because this is the week by Friday We will be having the holy ghost and fire event and i'm so Excited to have each and every one of you be able to attend that event. I know that God is going to do Miraculous and marvelous things.
We've been praying into this. This is that time I know people are expecting that and that atmosphere of expectancy is the breeding ground for your miracles. So come Expecting that you will not leave the same way come Expecting the glory and the power of Almighty God and if you can't remember we will do live streaming I promised you all we've made it happen.
We'll do live streaming every day Friday through Sunday And so you expect there's no distance in the spiritual realm. And just watch expectantly come expectantly. God is an amazing God and he's going to do something so awesome. And I'm so excited about it. And if you don't have your tickets yet, there is still time.
I know we're pretty much at capacity, but we are still allowing people we want as many people to get in there as they can. So you can go to our website at jgminternational. org under our first page. front page or under our events page. And I just, I am, I'm, I'm a super, super excited to see what God's going to do for each and every one of you during that event.
So I'm very excited about that. And let's just say the enemies are not, not getting anything that they want. They're not getting anything they want at all. They may be celebrating right now, but this is what you want. God said last Friday, their celebration will be short, lived and I just seen something this morning that I want to share out with you because remember what God said in that prophetic word.
Regarding this trial and God said they will not be lasting What we're laughing very long and I just saw something so i'm gonna I had to send the email Send some email to myself so I could share this out with you. Let me let me share my screen with you here I know all of you guys would be very very, excited once you see this look at that trump's donald trump's campaign raises over 200 200 million in three days, 200 million in three days.
I think that verdict just boomeranged and destroyed everything that the enemies wanted to do it against President Trump. It did not work. It actually has made the Republican base or just Americans in general come uniting. There are people that said they would never vote for him or voting for him. And look at that 200 million.
I would say that's unprecedented. That's one of the things that God keeps saying. Is unprecedented things, unconventional things are happening. We were seeing with the trial that was unconventional. And we're seeing with this 200 million that that is unprecedented. You think that God is saying something, the enemies are laughing at the same time, God sits in the heavens and laughs and God will always have the final say.
So I just had to share that with you because God is the one who is in control. So the enemies think they're going to get what they wanted, but they're not getting what they wanted at all with this trial or with anything that they're doing. All they're doing is what God has been telling us what Satan means for harm.
God will turn it into something good. And so what God says is the more they pursue us, the more they prosecute, but the more they come after us is the more things that God's going to do to strengthen us, to unite us, and to we're supposed to have that attitude of never surrender, never quit. And I just saw president Trump had said that never surrender.
And I think he also said something to Biden About what did he say to him? And I started laughing about it. He said something about that was like, he was going to get the, not the last laugh, I can't remember, but he said something that this is what God said. I think he says it was going to blow up in your face or something along those lines.
I knew it was a statement that God had already said. So it was just awesome and amazing what God is doing, because we know this is not Democrat versus Republican, and we know this is not Donald Trump versus Biden. This is what God is showing us good versus evil. This is something that's trying to, that was put in place to destroy our nation, destroy our freedoms, to bring this country down into submission in order for a global regime to completely, fully destroy our country, to bring it into a global control.
That is what we are fighting against. This is not just an election time. God even says over and over, this is not just about an election. It's not at all. God said, do not count on an election to save you. He said, I Am the one who will save your nation. So we're supposed to be looking to God because remember we haven't had elections.
We have had selections. They've selected people and forced them down our throat and we can see in 2016 it didn't work that way And that's why we've been seeing them like gnashing at their teeth and foaming out their mouth I have just so much anger and hatred but God again. He is saying who wins God wins.
There was something else that I saw over the weekend. Remember what God has been talking about with like all these people, all the lies they have tried to commit all the things. And he said, truth is going to come out. This is something else that I want to share with you because God said that they were going to start telling the truth.
Now again, they are so arrogant that they think by telling the truth that they're not going to, they don't care. It's they're not worried about it because you know, they've already gotten what they wanted. And so it's already too late. Look what this is right here. I want to share this with you again. All this is prophecies being fulfilled.
Look at this Fauci admits he made up tyrannical COVID guidelines, including child masking and social distancing were based on a mere assumption and not science. He said that he admitted that his COVID guidelines were not based upon science, but just mere assumption. So they destroyed the children's their education.
They destroyed a lot of children and their mindsets because there's so much fear and worry and anxiety and social distancing destroyed children and their freedom and their joy and their innocence. And this man is now coming out and saying it was just assumption and nothing to do with science. God has said truth will come out.
It doesn't matter how long they've been hiding this truth. It doesn't matter. Truth will come out and these people will be brought down. There is nothing that's going to hold him. And remember this was an also also not a prophecy that was being fulfilled because he talked about, Hey, he's not going to stay in this place of power.
And then you saw Fauci resign. Well, he was forced out again, another prophecy that God had talked about many years ago, like two years ago, I think. And so what we have to do is we have to hold that line. Believe and trust in God, no matter what we see, no matter what we hear. Last week, do you know what our enemies wanted?
Not only do they want to bring president Trump down and it totally embarrass him, and they're also trying to get him to the point where he will not be able to run. For election. They're going to try to get him out of that seat, which is not going to work because they're not in control of that seat of the presidency.
And we'll say that again, our enemies are not in control of the seat of the presidency, whether they believe that is true or not. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because God is the one who's in control. He's allowed certain things to happen. He even allowed last week. Remember what he said in that prophecy.
He gave us on thursday He said he was allowing things to be seen in order to show you the two tiered justice system And then he says don't be afraid about what you or don't fear what you're about to hear What did we hear? We heard a guilty verdict and what is God saying? It's not going to last long We're going to see and hear an innocent verdict.
We're going to see an *exoneration;* we're going to see God turn the tables You And i'm going to read a prophecy. I think it was today. I don't know There's several of them that I have in store for you. That God is going to turn the tables Okay, so I also want to remind you because the event this week And I have a lot of the team members that are doing the volunteering also for this event So I'm going to be live with you Monday, today, Tuesday, and Wednesday, okay?
I'm going to do a pre record for Thursday of something that you haven't seen before so it's new. At least to some of you it might be new, but I'm either going to do, and just watch for it, I'm either going to do my show with Pastor Dave last week, or I'm going to do a new pre record. Either way, some of you haven't seen any of these things before.
There will be no show on Friday morning. Okay. Because we will be live with you Friday evening, starting at six o'clock. So I don't have my social media team to help with the live shows because they'll be doing this event. All right, so we will do friday or friday. We'll be no live in the morning, but we'll be live at night So I just wanted you guys to be aware so i'll be live monday through Wednesday, i'll have a pre record on thursday for you There will be nothing on Friday morning, but there'll be Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Saturday night, and Sunday.
So you'll be seeing a lot of me in the next week, but there also will be nothing. There goes my camera again. I don't know why it's doing this. There will be no live on Monday of next week. Okay. We have to give the people, our team a day off because of them working all weekend. I'm working extremely long hours.
So I just want to let you know, I will not. Be on next Monday. All right. Okay. I just want to make this clear. So in any other ones, just look for posts because our social media team will be sharing it out. All right. Now I'm going to get to this prophetic word this morning. I just hope all of you guys are encouraged.
We're seeing what happened with president Trump was a completely unprecedented. We're seeing truth that the enemies never wanted us to hear and never want us to know they're admitting it because they think they've Gotten away with it and they haven't gotten away with anything at all because again God is in control So here is the prophetic word today.
Now. This is the one I tried to give out Last thursday but the lord had given me that one, regarding president trump because obviously that was time sensitive and everybody needed to hear that And then on friday, he gave me the conclusion to that one or at least a second part of that one which I knew on thursday I told you guys that God wasn't done with that prophetic word and then he gave me something more thursday night And I gave it to you friday morning.
Now this is the one I wanted to originally give out You but it wasn't that time, but it's time now. So this one is from May 27th from May 27th. This is the first paragraph. My children, you have seen deep fakes at their best, but I have put them to the test. I'm about to show you who they are, how many have been used, and it will shock this nation.
It's not a myth. It's not a conspiracy. No, it's true what they have done against you. They have used actors to play a part in your leadership, in your nation for years. To trick you, deceive you into believing all this was true when it was all a lie. My children, liars, thieves have been in control. Yes, governments are dirty, they're evil, treasonous, traitors, all government officials who have, have sinned against me, who have tried to hide truth from you, have stolen your nations from you and will be forced
to give them back and that's a fact! They are being forced out by my Sorry... they are being forced out by my hand out of your land They cannot have it. They cannot rule over it oppress it and put this world under such distress Their time is over you will see That I will set you free From this tyranny.
My children, their show is ending secrets are being let out from everywhere. Secrets that will bring down kings, it will bring down presidents, it will bring down secret agents, intelligent agencies. Secrets will bring down judges. Generals, congressmen and women, it will bring down senators, it will bring down news reporters and news stations.
It will bring down businessmen and women. It will bring down Hollywood and the entertainment industry. It will bring down the globalists and the elites. It will bring them all down because you, it will bring them all down before you because I Am the one bringing them all down. It is a time of many secrets to be released from your White House, your DOJ.
The CIA and their secrets, even from their beginning. The FBI, the Pentagon, and Secret Service. Hold on and brace for these secrets to be released, that will take governments out, and that will bring down coups of nations. The coup against you, O United States, is through. I will show you all they have done to you.
I will show you they are nothing. Their plans were nothing. Their money was nothing. It all will be undone before your very eyes. Every law, all treasonous acts, all theft against you will be given back. And I'm about to act. Your enemies will know for a fact, I Am bigger than them and any one of them. With them, and certainly the one who has given them those seats of power in this hour.
This system, all what your enemies have built. Their governments, their empires, their nations. How they wanted them ran. All of it is being torn to shreds, and none of it will stay standing that's against me. You will see, my children, your enemies and all that have built were nothing against me, saith the Lord of Hosts.
A White House whistleblower will come out and blow the doors wide open on the investigations against my son, Donald Trump. Someone will betray his own party to save this nation from the puppet. And the White House. And the ones controlling him. The puppet is about to misfire in a way no one can deny. And his replacement is about to step up on the scene to show you.
Their plan will be clear to get rid of the Biden because it's near.
A DHS agent is about to come out with explosive proof what Washington paid to have done to your nation. A hidden bank account will be found and the floodgates will be opened to who all in your government has paid by this man, and a secret society that will no longer be secret.
Hammer and Scorecard is about to come alive. This proof will no longer be suppressed or denied. Your own government has used its software and it will be shown and proven it is real. The time is near to show you 2020. It will not only be clear on what happened and who was behind it all, but it will be thrown out.
But Lord, it's almost time for a new election that will throw out the ones that are there now. Oh, really, my children? That's not how it works. Your enemies will continue to cover up, lie, cheat, and steal from you if I didn't step in and *cause a full reset*. Their laws would continue when they are not laws at all.
They're fake and false, and they will continue to hold you in their captivity if not one, but all of their fake elections will be thrown out and overridden.
Your enemies are about to be thrown out of their seats, of their positions. A political reset is coming to this nation to set it completely free.
A murder is about to be exposed, and this will rattle the ones in the White House. It will rattle Hillary Clinton. And it will rattle Obama. It will rattle the globalists. A person they thought was silenced. But were they really? A secret that was buried will be uncovered that will tear the establishment apart, and my eagle will shout in victory.
My children, stand for your land. Stand for truth. Stand for your freedoms. *Stand*! Because it's about to be put back into your hands. All of it will be like a dream on how quickly I will do this for you. So don't give in. Because you win, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. Now, after this word, I heard these words:
*My infiltrators*, who have infiltrated your enemy's camp, *their next moves* will shatter your enemy's next moves against you. A congressional hearing will be disrupted
a foundation will be exposed and it will fall to the ground The money trail will be shown your government had their hands in many foreign dealings against you
Soon, you will hear China has fallen. I will reveal to you the group the person and group behind the anti semitism, and I will wipe them out.
I will show you another machine, like CERN, that has been against you.
Court cases against my people will begin to fall like flies. One will drop, then another, then another. This morning, as I was studying after I was, you know, looking over this prophetic word again, this is something that I really want to read to each and every one of you again, to bring an encouragement to you that God does win and that God does have the final say, and we have seen our enemies do what they want,
(it looked like); we've seen them laugh, we've seen them mock, we've seen them use our justice system and weaponize it against us. We have seen them steal elections. We have seen them steal - try to steal our words. We have seen them try to steal our voices. We have seen them do everything they can against us.
We have seen them even use gag order after gag order. Against our president, our rightful one. We have seen what they're doing to our social media accounts. What they're doing against not only President Trump with court cases, but with several with him, they are trying everything because they're desperate.
We haven't quit. We are still standing. We are still shouting. We are still fighting and not letting go. They wanted with that court case, not only a hopelessness and fear to set in that they can use the justice system however they That's what they tried to prove to us last week. They wanted an uprising.
They wanted us to fill the streets and do what they do. To cause chaos and disruption. They wanted us to do those things so they could turn it against us. But it didn't work. Because we've learned how to fight the right way. We've learned how to make the enemies afraid and us not afraid of the enemy. Why?
Because we believe in stand on God's word. We have faith over fear. And it is clear that we are here and we are not going anywhere. Don't you think that was the biggest slap in the enemy's face? Thinking, okay, we've got him now, we're going to throw that guilty verdict on him and all his people will just walk away.
When instead, more people gained, more people gave it gave to him, to President Trump. The exact opposite took place. The enemies are not getting what they want no matter what it looks like And that's why God is wanting to us all the time and saying that to us every day that we're supposed to have that firm Focus foundation on him.
Why just think about this? This would have happened four years ago
What would we have done four years ago? Now, we've seen the impeachments There was two of them and that was a joke and a sham also and people Were complaining and they were petrified You But just think if that would have been four years ago, not only the impeachment, but you have all of this corruption with our legal system, it would have brought more people into a paralyzing type of fear, but that's why God said he is letting things be seen.
Little by little and as we are seeing these things, he's perfecting our faith He is strengthening us in his word and the knowledge of his word and how powerful he is how good he is And that he is a God will intervene and he will let's look at Psalm 47 I was looking through so many different scriptures this morning
The power of God and what he does I cannot wait to get to this one whole chapter Okay, psalm 47 in verse 3, psalm 47. Well, you know what? Let's read psalm 47 in verse 1 first. Psalm 47 in verse 1. Oh, clap your hands. All you people shout to God with the voice of triumph and the song of joy. Why should we do that?
Because we know our God is in control. Let's keep reading. Verse 2. For the Lord Most High excites terror and awe and dread. He is a great king over all the nations. Who's over all the nations? It's not the globalist. God is over all the nations verse 3 He subdues peoples under us and nations under our feet God subdues People under us and nations under our feet verse 8 Psalm 47 verse 8 says God reigns over the nation God sits upon his throne.
God sits over the nations. The nations don't rule over God. They try to. They think they can, but they don't. Let's read more. Let's go to Psalm 94. I'm going to read the whole entire thing. In the CEV translation, and I'm sorry about my camera. It's acting up again, and I don't know why all right psalm 94 in the CEV Translation let's look at what this says
psalm 94 in verse 1 Lord God you punish the guilty Show what you are like And punish them now verse two you judge the earth come and help us Pay back those proud people for what they have done Stop right there for a second. Do you think this is the first time God's people have been put in precarious situations or put in?
Situations where they've been oppressed they've been put in a bondage. They have been they've been overwhelmed They have been enslaved. This is not the first time. And Psalm 94, this is what God's people were crying out to him. And verse three, Psalm 94 in verse three says, how long will the wicked celebrate and be glad?
We've seen them celebrating. We've seen them laughing and mocking and doing all the things that they thought they were getting away with. And they. They're joyful and they're glee. They're full of so much of this, you know, they're laughing but look So how long will the wicked celebrate and be glad verse four all those cruel people strut and boast And they crush and wound your chosen nation lord So again, he's talking about how all these people that are gloating.
They're prideful They're arrogant and they're destroying his nation verse six. They murder widows foreigners and orphans You Verse seven, they say the Lord God of Jacob doesn't see or know. They are so arrogant. They're saying, the Lord God of Jacob, he doesn't see, he doesn't know, or he doesn't even care.
Verse 8, Can't you fool see? Won't you ever learn? Verse 9, God gave us ears and eyes. Can he hear and see? So, if God gave us eyes and ears, To see and hear, why wouldn't God not have eyes and ears to see and hear? That's what this is saying. Verse 10, Psalm 94, God instructs the nations and gives the knowledge to us all.
Won't he also correct us? Verse 11, The Lord knows how useless our plans really are. Verse 12, Our Lord, you bless everyone that you instruct and teach by using your law. Verse 13, You give them rest from their troubles until a pit can be dug for the wicked. Verse 14, You won't turn your back on your chosen nation.
This is one thing we have to know that God will not turn his back on his chosen nation. One of them is Israel and one of them is the United States of America. Let's keep reading. Verse 15. Justice and fairness will go hand in hand and all who do right will follow along. Verse 16. Who will stand up for me against those cruel people?
Verse 17, If you had not helped me, Lord, I would soon have gone to the land of silence. David was saying, Lord, if you didn't help me, I would have died. They would have silenced me. Verse 18, When I felt my feet slipping, you came with your love and kept me steady. Verse 19, And when I was burdened with worries, You comforted me and made me feel secure.
Verse 20, but you opposed to dishonest lawmakers. You are opposed to dishonest lawmakers who gang up to murder innocent victims. You, oh Lord, God, are my fortress at Mighty Rock, where I am safe. You will pay back my enemies, and you will wipe them out for the evil they did. So David knew. The evil and the corrupting lawmakers and what they were doing.
He said, Lord, don't you see in here? Yes, he does see in here. The enemy thinks they can do whatever they want. And God, if God even exists, he's not going to hear them. He's not going to see them. They're going to get away with everything they want. And he's saying right here, you're going to silence them.
You're going to wipe them out. Why? Because God punishes the guilty. His righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne. So if we know that God is going to do something, that's why we should not be afraid at all. I'm going to read this again, verse one, Psalm 94, verse one says, Lord God, you punish the guilty, you show what you are like and punish them now.
Verse two, you judge the earth, come and help us. Pay back those proud people for what they have done. How long will the wicked celebrate and be glad? All those cruel people strut and boast and crush and wound your chosen nation. They murder widows, and then he keeps going again. He's saying all the things that they are doing wrong.
Psalm And they are doing against his people and they says what the Lord knows how useless our plans really are Our plans are not good enough Our plans are not big enough But God's are then verse 14 says you won't turn your back on your chosen nation Verse 15 justice and fairness will go hand in hand and all will do right and follow along.
So again Go back and read that. That was Psalm 94, and that was the C. E. V. translation. God judges the guilty. He takes care of what they have done, even though it looks like they're getting away with things and they're laughing and strutting their, you know, act like they're strutting their stuff and they're getting away with all this stuff.
God's saying, uh uh, let them laugh because they're about to fall on their face. And God was even saying that they are going to fall on their face. And God's going to show them their place. He said that last week. Let's look at Psalm 52, Psalm 52. And this is also the CEV translation, Psalm 52, and it says, you people may be strong and brag about your sins.
But God can be trusted day after day. Verse two, you plan brutal crimes and your lying words cut like a sharp razor. Verse three, you would rather do evil than good and tell lies and speak the truth. You love to say cruel things. Like your words are a trap. God will destroy you forever. He will grab you and drag you from your homes.
You'll be uprooted and left to die and when God's people see the fearsome sight They will laugh and say just look at them now instead of trusting God. They trusted their wealth and their cruelty Verse 8, but I am like an olive tree growing in God's house, and I can count on his love forever and ever. I will always thank God for what he has done.
I will praise his good name when his people, when his people meet. So again, what is it saying right here? God will drag them out. God will forcibly remove them from their places of power. Again, people think that that's not true. People think that God won't do these things. Yes, He will. He says it over and over and over and over again in His Word.
Let's read Psalm 103. Like I've said to you before, David had a great revelation of how God destroyed His enemies. Psalm 103 in verse 19, Psalm 103 in verse 19, and it says,
The Lord established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules over all. Whose kingdom rules over all? God's kingdom rules over all. It's not the enemy. Verse 20. Bless affectionately and gratefully, praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones, who do his commandments, hearkening to the voice of his word.
God's kingdom rules over all. It's not the enemy. Is that what they want? Is that what they're going to get? God's kingdom rules over all. And then it says in psalm 102 in verse 2, psalm 102 in verse 2, Hide not your face from me in the day when I am in distress. Incline your ear to me in the day when I call.
Answer me speedily. David's asking God answer me speedily. There's so many let's look at Proverbs 20 or sorry Proverbs 12 in verse 7 Proverbs 12 and verse 7
the wicked are overthrown and are not but the house of the uncompromisingly righteous What does the God say about the wicked? The wicked are overthrown. So it doesn't matter what they want. The wicked are overthrown. And then I want to read something else to you. And Jeremiah and Jeremiah, it says in verse eight, Jeremiah one and verse eight, be not afraid of them, their faces for I Am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.
Verse nine. Then the Lord put forth his hand and touched. My mouth and the Lord said to me behold I have put my words in your mouth verse 10 See I have this day appointed to you to oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out to pull down to destroy to overthrow to build and to destroy End to plant God has put his words in our mouth.
And what are we supposed to do? We're supposed to believe God's words. We're supposed to say God's words shout God's words We're supposed to trust in him that he look at says in verse 12 Then the lord said to me you have seen well for I Am alert and active Watching over my word to perform it. That's why we're supposed to agree with God's word That's why we're supposed to speak God's word because God is faithful He's active right here and watching over his word to perform it even talks about in job chapter I think is job chapter 12 and it says decree a thing and it shall be established We are supposed to right here in verse jeremiah 1 10.
See I have appointed you God has appointed us You To have oversight of the nations and the kingdoms to root out, pull down, to destroy, overthrow, to build and plant. What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to overthrow? How are we supposed to do these things? How are we supposed to root these things out?
By speaking what God needs us to speak. Because He is active to perform His word. We're supposed to speak His words, He will perform His words. That's how we overthrow kingdoms and governments That's what we do is we're supposed to say God's word. We're supposed to believe and trust in it We're supposed to keep saying God.
I thank you that you are overthrowing these unruly and unjust rulers We thank you father God that your throne is the foundation of your throne is righteousness And justice and we thank you father God for justice will be served doesn't matter what it looks like God is allowing us to see these things.
But they're not going to stand and we have something to say and we have something to do about it Remember what he said to us? We're not supposed to sit on the sideline and watch these things happen We are supposed to say and do something. We're supposed to act. How do we act? How do we pray? How do we fight?
How do we war we war we worship? And resist that's how we war than the wicked are restricted. How do we fight? We fight on our knees. We fight in prayer. We fight with the name of Jesus and with the blood covenant that we have with almighty God and the covenant that he will not break. It's scriptural a covenant.
He will not break. This is another one. I Absolutely love Psalm 105. Let's go back to Psalm again the book of Psalm go to Psalms 105
Psalm 105 and Verse I think it's first five. Yeah, so I'm 105 verse 5 and it says earnestly remember the marvelous deeds that you have done that he has done his miracles and wonders the Judgments and the sentences that he pronounced upon his enemies as in Egypt Verse six. Oh you offspring of Abraham, his servant, you shown of Jacob, his chosen ones, verse seven.
He is the Lord our God. His judgments are in the earth, his judgments are in the earth. And then it says verse eight. He is earnestly mindful of his covenant and forever it is imprint on his heart, the word. He is commanded and established to a thousand generations. Remember, we are part of those generations, and a covenant He will not break.
We're supposed to earnestly remember all those marvelous deeds, all those miracles that He did in Egypt. And He's saying, look, I do those to a thousand generations. We are part of those generations. God did it once, and He will do it again. Again, now let's look over Psalm 105 and verse 24, Psalm 105 and verse 24.
Now this is something I, like I've told you guys before, we need to have this all over our houses. Psalm 105 and verse 24 says there there the Lord greatly increases people and made them Stronger than their oppressors. He makes us stronger than the oppressors Why because we are serving a super natural God and he gives us the resurrection power That is Jesus Christ lives on the inside of us And he says a greater one lives on the inside that he that's in the world first John 4 4 You He makes us stronger than their oppressors because he gives us his strength.
There's nothing stronger than the strength of Almighty God and he says locally says in Ephesians 6
People need to take this seriously that God has given us the strength to endure Ephesians 6 in verse 10 and it says in Conclusion in conclusion be strong in the Lord be empowered through your union with him Draw your strength from him that strength which boundless might provide God's one who gives you that strength That's why we are like what he says right here in psalm 105 verse 24 The lord greatly increases people and made them stronger than the oppressors That's why we're supposed to tap into the strength of almighty.
God We're supposed to protect our joy because the joy the lord is our strength Why do you think the enemies are attacking our joy? Why do you think they're bringing so much fear and so much oppressing and so much anxiety and so much? Hopelessness and despair they're just trying to just rip The joy right out of you because if you have no joy, you have no strength.
But God says look I infuse you in it with strength. So tap into my strength I will give it to you No matter what the enemies are doing no matter what they're trying to cause you no matter how they're trying to weaken you I'm gonna make you strong remember it also says in God's word where we are weak.
He is strong Let's read that
second corinthians second corinthians 12 and start with verse 7 second corinthians 12 Maybe I should read this
or we saw the amplified
and keep from me being puffed up and too much elated by the exceedingly greatness of the relations that was given me a throne a splinter in the side a splinter in the flesh a Messenger of Satan to rack and buff at me and harass me to keep me from excessively exalted verse 8 three times I called upon the Lord and besought him and about this and begged it might depart from me Verse nine, but he said to me, my grace and my favor and loving kindness and mercy is sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully for my strength and power are made perfect, fulfilled and completed and show themselves more effectively in your weakness.
Therefore I all the more gladly glory in my weakness and infirmities than the strength of my power of Christ Messiah May rest may pitch a tent over and drool upon me where we are weak God Makes us strong We can't fight these battles alone. Even Paul knew that Paul even said look I couldn't fight this battle by myself.
I've been humbled, but God saying his grace is sufficient for me. Even though the enemy of Satan sent a thorn in his side and God says, look, it doesn't matter what the enemy is trying to do to cause your weakness. I have made you strong. That's why we're supposed to rely on God's strength. God's ability, not our own.
Our enemies are trying to weaken us on all, I mean, all the time. And in all these different ways, in all these different ways, we look, they're trying to weaken us. And God is saying, they tried to weaken you, but I Am making you strong. They thought four years ago when that entire 2020 happened and COVID happened and all the things have happened since then with inflation and with our justice system being torn apart with the, you know, the.
Our borders being destroyed, all these different things. We're supposed to bring us into their submission and it's not working. We are fighting back. We're pressing in. We're pushing more in. We're finding out more about the word of God. We're finding out how to pray. We're finding the authority of almighty God.
We're doing these things. They thought we were just going to get on our knees, drop down, give up and quit and just let them win. And we're not because we are on God's side and we know the truth and that truth is setting us free. Let's look also to go to Psalm 81.
Psalm 81.
Psalm 81 and start with verse 7. Psalm 81 and verse 7. You called in distress and I delivered you. I answered you in a secret place of thunder. I tested you at the waters of Meribah. Then he says, verse 8, Hear, O my people, I will punish you, O Israel, if you would not listen to me. Now look what it says in verse 13 and 14.
We've gone over this before, but he's reminding us of this again. Why? Psalm 81, 13 and 14. O that my people would listen to me, that Israel would walk in my ways. You can even put his God's people has chosen ones in that right there to verse 14 Speedily that I would subdue their enemies turn my hand against our adversaries So God is telling us if we would listen to him then he would speedily that's why God's getting his people's attentions That's why he's allowing things to shake.
That's why he's allowing things to be seen because he wants us to To listen to him and to walk in his ways and then he would speedily Subdue their enemies and turn my hand against our adversaries because we see
in Psalm Now I'm not gonna read the whole entire things I've read it multiple times before and I don't have time today to read it all the Psalm 37 Remember what it says in verse 9? For the evildoers shall be cut off for those who wait and hope for the Lord in the end shall inherit the earth Verse 10 Psalm 37 verse 10 for yet a little while when the evildoers will be no more Though you look with care where they used to be they will not be found God forcibly Removes them he cuts them off.
Why because this kingdom rules over all then it says Verse 12. Then the wicked plot against the uncompromisingly righteous, the upright and right standing with God. They gnash at them with their teeth. We've seen that. Verse 13. The Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that their own day of defeat is coming.
That's why we're not supposed to be afraid. That's why we are not supposed to be afraid of what's going on because God is saying he's got it under control. Let me go back over this prophetic word again.
There's so many different scriptures about God destroying the power of the enemy. We just had to believe it.
First paragraph. My children, you have seen deep fakes at their best, but I have put them to the test. I'm about to show you who they are, how many have been used, and it will shock this nation. It's not a myth. It's not a conspiracy. No, it's true. What they have done. Against you. Stop right there for a minute.
This is what they can do. A lot of things regarding technology. They can make someone Look and sound like somebody they aren't. They do this in movies. I, one of the best movies for that for an example of that is a mission impossible. They, they put masks on their face and they looked like, you know, dignitaries and people in the government.
And they looked like, you know, all these different people. And then they also had like a voice box that changed, changed their voice. Like a deepfake and also videos, of course, that makes it look like somebody that it wasn't that person, but they can put somebody's face on somebody else and make them sound like that person.
Technology and Hollywood have played massive parts in a lot of these things. And God is telling us, look, deepfakes are at their best, but I have put them to the test. So we're going to start seeing some of these that have been faked. Some of these people that have been put in these powerful positions and they're not who they really are.
God is saying, look, I have put them to the test. And he's going to show us. He's going to show us who they all are. Because it says right here, in the next paragraph, They have used actors to play a part in your leadership and in your nations for years. To trick you, deceive you, into believing all of this was real.
And all of it was true when it was really all a lie. So things that looked one way when they were actually another, just like this whole thing with you know, president Trump with that ruling, it looks one way when it's actually another and innocent and exonerated will be what's going to be the final say, it's not this, this will not stand and God knows it.
And God, that's what God says. He's going to heal our land. Now they says my children, liars, thieves have been in control. Yes. Governments are dirty. They're evil and treasonous traitors. All government officials who have sinned against me, who have tried to hide from truth from you have stolen your nations from you will be forced to give them back.
And that's a fact. What do they have to give back? They have to give back our land. They have to give back our freedom. They have to give back what rightfully belongs to us. God says, they're going to be forced, just as I read you, all these different scriptures in the Bible, and there's been several. Go back to the ones I think for Thursday and Friday.
There are powerful, powerful examples of the scriptures that God gives to us and shows us that He's the one who roots out. He's the one who pulls them down. He's the one who replaces them. He's the one who removes them from their places of power, and they can't stay in this hour, no matter what. He gives us a lot of those examples.
Let's keep reading. They are being forced out by my hand out of my land. They cannot have it. They cannot rule over it, oppress it, and put this world under such distress. Their time is over. You will see. I will set you free from their tyranny. So they are being forced out by my hand out of my land. So God is going to force them out.
Now again, David had a great revelation of that. You can find a lot of this in the book of Psalms.
My children their show is ending. Remember he's talking about this is a movie. It's a show It's I mean, there's actors involved. There's green screens. There's fake things going on. There's props God has been saying that we're watching a movie and he said soon we're about to see that the credit scene That means that you know when you see the credit scene It means the movie's over and it also reveals to you who all played a part and what part they played So he talks about The credit scene and he does that for a reason because he's gonna reveal to you who all the actors were and what parts they play Secrets are being let out from everywhere Secrets that will bring now listen bring down Kings You It will bring down presidents.
It will bring down secret agencies or secret agents, intelligent agencies. Secrets will bring down judges and generals. Congressmen and women. It will bring down senators. It will bring down news reporters and news stations. It will bring down business men and women. It will bring down Hollywood and their entertainment industry.
It will bring down the globalists and the elites. It will bring them all down before you because I Am the one bringing them all down. God is the one. Then it says, it is a time of many secrets to be released from your White House. Your DOJ, this, I thought this was very interesting, the CIA and their secrets from their very beginning.
So something about the beginning of the CIA and he's even going to show those secrets. Then he goes on to talk about the FBI, the Pentagon, and the Secret Service. He says, hold on and brace for these secrets to be released that will take governments out. That will bring down coups of nations. So there's been more than one coup, obviously.
And there's been, this has affected more than one nation. That's why he says up in this paragraph before that secrets that are being let out from everywhere are going to bring down the dimensions. He mentions down Kings, presidents, secret agents, intelligent agencies. He says, and he mentioned all of them.
And so we're going to start seeing all of them being rutted out, pulled down, removed. Remember forcefully removed from their positions of power. Some already have. We've already seen a lot of people have been already removed from power or they've resigned, but that was not their choice. They had to resign because they were forced to resign.
We're going to start seeing and finding out all about all of these things and why these people were forced because a lot of people were forced out of their positions already. That's why when people say that nothing's happening, I don't get that at all. I don't get how people say nothing's happening. There's too many things that, that Lord has been prophesying that are happening right now.
All right, then it says, A coup against you, O United States, is through. I will show you all that they have done to you. I will show you that they are nothing. Their plans were nothing. Their money was nothing. All will be undone before your very eyes. Every law all treasonous acts all theft against you will be given back about and that's a wait Hold on all theft against you will be given back because I Am about to act so God is about to act And so all the theft and all the things that they have done will be, they'll be forced to have to give it all back.
He says, your enemies will know for a fact that I Am bigger than that in anyone with them. And certainly the ones who have given them the seats, those seats and that power in this hour, who's given them those seats. Well, the adversary, the devil, the devil has been giving all these people, the seats of power.
It's always been the devil against God. He's always tried to overthrow God. He's always tried to outsmart God. It's never worked. He uses different people, different situations, but it's the same exact thing. He's trying to remove God out of this nation. He's trying to remove God out of politics, out of churches, and out of this earth, period.
He's trying to overthrow God and the earth that he created. It's not going to work. That's why God keeps telling us over and over and over again, this is not a political war. This is a battle of good versus evil. It's a spiritual battle That's why we had to fight with spiritual ability and that was natural ability.
That's where you lose So who gave him power the enemy he said so even he goes I Am bigger than them and anyone with them and certainly the one who has given them the power in those seats in this hour Well, who gave him that? Satan is the one who gave him that power and God's already overthrown Satan.
He's already destroyed his power. Then he says, their entire system, all of what your enemies have built, their governments, their empires, their nations, how they wanted them ran, all that's being torn to shreds, and none of it will stay standing. That is against me. You will see my children, your enemies, and all that they have built.
It was nothing against me, saith the Lord of Hosts. Pharaoh figured that out when he got into the Red Sea and everything, and all of a sudden the water came over them. He was nothing compared to God. His army was nothing compared to God. His weapons were nothing compared to God. Anything he had, his empire, was nothing compared to God.
God calls these people the rulers of today. He calls them pharaohs of today. That's why we got to go look back and see what he did with the Pharaoh of old. Then he says a White House whistleblower will come out and blow the doors wide open on the investigations against my son Donald Trump. Someone will betray his own party to save the nation from the puppet in the White House and the ones who control him.
So it sounds like it's going to look like it's a Democrat who's going to come out and betray his own party. It's what it's going to look like. And it says the puppet is about to misfire in a way no one can deny. His replacement is about to step up on the scene to show you their plan will be clear to get rid of the Biden and it.
Is near, like I said, they've already been talking about, God's talked about it first, but they've already been talking about there's like over 50 some percent of Democrats want Biden removed from the ticket. They don't want him because they see right now that it'd be a bloodbath. It'd be a red tsunami wave.
They have no chance of survival. They have no chance of winning. The election, that's it. They are going to lose and they're petrified. Why do you think that they did what they did with that trial? Because they thought by doing that trial, that it would be, you know, that it would destroy Trump's chances and it would destroy them so they could keep Biden on the ticket if they had to.
But it's not going to work. All right, let's keep reading. Then it says a DHS agent is about to come out with explosive proof. What Washington paid to have done to your nation. Again, a DHS agent is about to come out with explosive proof. What Washington. Paid to have done against your nation. So, department of homeland security So someone's going to come out and talk about what washington has done I'm assuming has something to do with our border But and this says a hidden bank account will be found and the floodgates will be opened to who all in your government has paid By this man in a secret society that will no longer be secret A hidden bank account and they talks about a man who has been paying our government and with his secret society and this will no longer be secret.
Now, there could be somebody who's already been on the scene that we know. His name starts with a G, name may be George. And so we see all of a sudden he's no longer in the spotlight and his son is taking that spotlight. Klaus Schwab. And George Soros. Those two are two of the main people with the elites that were out in the open.
Now all of a sudden those two are silent. There's a reason for that and God's going to show us. It could be him and it could be somebody totally different that's not on the scene yet and we don't know about. But a hidden bank account. Again, God keeps talking to us about following the money. Alright, then the next paragraph is, Hammer and Scorecard is about to come alive.
This proof will no longer be suppressed or denied. Your own government has used a software. It'll be proven, proven it is real. The time is near to show you 2020. It will not only be clear on what happened and who was behind it all. But it will be thrown out now. People would already say, well, who cares about it?
Because we're about to go to 2024 here in a few months, we have another election. So why do we care about the 2020 2020 election? Don't ever give up on that election and what God's going to do about it. He hasn't forgotten it and neither should we because everything that has happened against our country can be retroactively restored because if there is, it's proven that you have somebody in a position of power that was not really elected and they're fake and they're not legitimate.
Everything they have done can be overturned. Everything just like that. Like they never were there in power. That's better than an election. And he shows you that. So here's this people saying, but Lord, it's almost time for a new election that will throw out the ones who are there now. So if you have an election, it'll remove those people that you are, that are there now.
No, it won't. It only removes certain people. That's why God says, Oh, really? My children, that's not how it works. Why? Your enemies will continue to cover up, lie, cheat, steal from you if I didn't step in and cause a full reset. He's talked to us about this for a while now. Last, I don't know, year and a half or so.
We don't need an election to save our country. We need God to save our country. We don't need an election because we haven't had elections. We've had selections because the elections haven't, they've been rigged. They've selected their people on both sides. And this is not just about the presidential seat.
This is seat in our Congress. This is seat in our Senate. These are seat in like governors. These are not just seat of the president that people only paid, cared and paid attention to that seat. It goes, it's a down ballot all the way down that counts. And some of them are not on the ballot this year because they can stay in their positions for so long.
God wants them all removed.
He says they're fak and false. That will continue to to hold you in their captivity if not won. But all their fake elections will be thrown out and overridden. So if God didn't have this full reset, he says their laws would continue. They aren't laws at all. They're fake laws. They're faking it. False. It will continue to hold you in their captivity, if not one, but all their fake elections will be thrown out and overridden.
So he's not just talking about one. He's not just talking about 2020. Oh, we're gonna find out a lot about what happened in two 2016. And older 2008 and 2012 as well. And then even older than that, your enemies are about to be thrown out of their seats of their positions. God's saying he's going to throw them out.
And I just read you the scriptures that can back that up. God will remove people from places of power. A political reset is coming to this nation to set it completely free. So again, God is saying to us a political reset. He wants. Us to acknowledge a political reset to pray about it to focus on that To declare it decree it we thank you father God.
We have a political reset We thank you father God. You are throwing out every Person other position and out of their seats who do not belong there That's our part our part is a decree and declare then it says now This is an interesting because God keeps bringing up a murder You Over and over and over again.
And I don't know if it's one, if there's multiple murders, but he says a murderer murder is about to be exposed and this will rattle the ones in the white house. It will rattle Hillary Clinton. It will rattle Obama. It will rattle the globalists, a person. Now he has to put this in bold, a person they thought was silenced.
But were they really a secret that was buried will be uncovered that will tear the establishment apart and my ego will shout in victory. So someone they thought was silenced, but were they really that means they silenced and they thought they killed that person, but really that person is still alive.
Maybe, that's what he means. And then, he keeps talking about buried secrets. It could be buried like as they, they, they kill people, they buried them, and they think that their secrets will be buried along with them, but they won't be buried along with them at all because God is going to expose it all. He will unearth these things that he's been talking to us about.
Then he says, My children, stand for your land. This is our job. Stand for your land, stand for truth, stand for your freedoms, stand because it's about to be put back in your hands. So what we're supposed to do is we're supposed to stand for our land. That was we're supposed to keep fighting and never surrender.
Stand for truth, stand for your freedoms, stand because it's about to be put back into your hands. God's going to give us our nations back. He's going to give us our justice system back. He's going to give us all these things that have been stolen from us. He's going to give it back to us, even the economy.
He says, all of it will be like a dream and I'll quickly, I can do this for you. So don't give in because you win. Say it to the Lord, your Redeemer. And before I go back over the other words that I heard after this, it will all be like a dream on how quickly. Remember, God keeps talking about how things can happen in one day, and one day is all God needs.
He can save a nation in a day. He saved the Israelites from Egypt in a day. So He can save us in a day. And we're gonna see judgment upon judgment upon judgment against our enemy, which we've already started to see certain things. Let me start be more clear and more obvious and let's, let's read the ones, the words I heard after this prophetic word.
Then he says, my infiltrators who have infiltrated your enemies camp, their next moves will shatter your enemies next moves against you. So God's infiltrators are going to stop the next moves. Our enemies were going to do against us. Now they're allowed to do some things. To be, you know, for them to be exposed.
They are trying to cause a civil war in this country. I've saw that word again in the headlines. God said that they were trying. Now they're saying, Oh, president Trump is trying to start a civil war. No, they are. Remember they blame their opponent. Were their enemy for what they are actually doing. They're, they're liars.
And so what we have to remember is that God, if we sit here and we stand and we shout, we declare a decree and we're praising and worshiping God because that's how we war, the wicked are restricted when we worship and resist. And then God sets up ambushes against our enemies. When we worship and we praise him because remember the battles of lords now a congressional hearing Will be disrupted a congressional hearing Will be disrupted and then he talks about a foundation will be exposed and it will fall to the ground The money troll be shown your government had their hands in many foreign dealings against you so they had a basically a foundation of money that they they had made packs maybe with other foreign nations and God saying that foundation that empire that way of ruling and that way of governing is gonna Be destroyed because he is going to show us what they've done against us.
And then we're going to see that china we're going to soon hear that china has china has fallen Now there was a sign in china I don't have it up right now but you guys can look it up last week. Sometime they had a red blood sky. It was blood red. Their sky above them was blood red. It was very eerie looking.
God said, I don't remember where the prophecy was. It's, I know there was som
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