Babylon is fallen: fake Christians & fake churches

3 months ago

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Credits to Jim Crenshaw.

In Revelation 14:8, God’s end-time second angel’s message speaks of Babylon, which is described as the Babylonian Roman Catholic church. This is the ‘mother’ church, which has harlot daughters or harlot churches with their false preachers. These false preachers of the 501c3 government registered SUNday keeping churches in the US represent altogether the false prophet in the book of Revelation.

They are false preachers who are leading churches made in the image of the beast as they are linked to the state to create a union of church and state in the same way, the Babylonian Roman Catholic church is linked directly to the Vatican in Revelation 17:3.

There are a few born-again Christians who are new creatures in Christ who absolutely need to come out of these miserable, non-biblically based churches that preach a different gospel, that preach a different Jesus Christ and never talk about sin which is the transgression of the law of God, His holy ten commandments. Christ DIED on our behalf for our sins, for breaking His holy law of love.

Today’s churches are more concerned about LGBTQ rights, performing homosexual marriages or blessing homosexual unions and even abortions. They belong to satan who is fooling them to live his lies. Do NOT comply with satan and these fallen churches. As God says in Revelation 18:4-5, COME OUT of Babylon. Come out of these SUNday keeping Babylonian Roman Catholic church and her harlot Protestant, evangelical and Orthodox churches.

Please turn to the Lord Jesus Christ or Yeshua for the salvation of your souls. Only He can save you from your sins (Acts 4:10, 12). Only He can reconcile you to God the Father.

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