Babies and Breadwinners [1961 Polio Vaccine campaign] Publication date 1961.

8 months ago

Babies and Breadwinners [1961 Polio Vaccine campaign]
Publication date 1961.
Addeddate 2012-04-08 22:28:01
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External-identifier urn:storj:bucket:jvrrslrv7u4ubxymktudgzt3hnpq:0647_Babies_and_Breadwinners_1961_Polio_Vaccine_campaign_01_38_28_00[Storj]
Identifier 0647_Babies_and_Breadwinners_1961_Polio_Vaccine_campaign_01_38_28_00
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Year 1961
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Reviewer: Dodsworth the Cat - favoritefavoritefavorite - April 6, 2023
Subject: Fighting Polio in the Peach State
Talking, talking, talking. This half-hour film outlines how a polio immunization programme was put together in one Southern US city. The film picked up in the second half when it was narration over footage instead of people speaking at community forums or in police stations or what have you.
I'm a little surprised to read about shots because when I was in elementary school in the early '60s, we had the vaccine on a sugar cube.
There doesn't seem to be too much race mixing here.
The Capitol Hi-Q library furnishes background music. A Bill Loose documentary cue opens and closes the film. A Jack Shaindlin cue used on the Quick Draw McGraw show is briefly heard at 11:35 while at 16:35 it's Jack Belasco's "Monorail" (SF-4 in the Hi-Q library). C-35 Light Mechanical by Loose is at 17:55 and C-16 Light Activity by Loose at 21:10 .
Reviewer: Cal Fucci - favoritefavoritefavorite - June 5, 2015
Subject: I wonder... many of the smiling people rolling up their sleeves for the jet injector gun later came down with cancer from the SV40 monkey virus the vaccine contained.

Poor Bozo! Some things never change: today it's Elmo's job to convince kids shots are great.

Fascinating time piece! If there were any dissenters to the mass vaccination program you'd never know it from watching the film.
Reviewer: Spuzz - favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite - October 3, 2012
Subject: Oh NO! Bozo gets SHOT!
This film, which details the 1961 Polio vaccination program of Columbus, Ohio (!) is quite interesting content wise, but REALLY drags down when someone speaks, as they look like deer caught in tail lights. Anyways, the program is documented by people who obviously need some sort of public speaking training telling how important this program is. Then the film picks up by showing the many ways the program was promoted, from radio broadcasts, posters all over the city (on street signs, which is fascinating, as this is illegal today) to (yes) Bozo getting vaccinated on television (somewhat surreal shot as bozo rolls up his sleeve to reveal his normal arm). Anyways, police department gravely warn about the traffic jams that will ensue because of the stampede of people (really, he does) and then the program starts, while there are people lining up in some shots, the hysteria of the policeman is unfounded. And then we see a seemingly endless parade of people having shots. The narrator promises that all kids get a balloon, yet we see kids that DON'T! Those bastards! Reccomended, at least for the 2nd half.

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