Consider The…

8 months ago

Consider The…:
A poem

Consider a field of flowers,
Or a tree after morning showers;
Or water, yeast, and flour.
Quietly, consider them for hours.

Such simple beauty is like a fire,
Burning away youthful desire.

A flower modestly arrayed,
Singular, yet collectively displayed.
With pastel bonnets and dewy cascades,
Multiplying, yet hiding how they’re made.

Without begging to be prized or seen,
She is timelessly regarded with esteem.

A tree glistening at dawn;
Glowing green amidst a pale lawn.
A buck in a herd of a tiny fawns.
A place of rest long after I’m gone.

Though the storms sway her to and fro,
She’s steadfast and will continue to grow.

Combine essentials into a loaf and eat;
Wheat and water satiate but are incomplete.
Add a little life in the form of active yeast,
Let her expand a spell, then introduce her to heat.

An energetic maturation baked into place;
Seeking the balance of scent, texture, and taste.

Consider bread, trees, and flowers;
Consider them quietly for many hours.

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