ASCENSION TEACHINGS #24 - Connect with Your Sirian Self, full technique

3 months ago

Who are the Indigo Children?

These children display unusual physical and psychological attributes that separate them from the “norm”, such as: enhanced immunological systems and advanced genius or highly gifted intelligence, to more extra-ordinary abilities of a “paranormal” nature that we most often do not hear about in mainstream analysis.

The Indigos are indeed a “new breed” of children because they represent a new breed of consciousness, now entering incarnation within our times. The Indigos are in truth representatives of a very OLD BREED of consciousness once prevalent on Earth and in their re-emergence today, they serve as harbingers of our race evolution – the way-showers of things to come, as our race evolution moves closer to its intended hidden destination. They are here because they were asked to come and they have come to fulfil their part of a much grander evolutionary mission.

DNA – To understand how Indigos differ from the norm, we must understand the structure and function of DNA.

If we are to understand the importance of the Indigo identity we must reclaim the Lost History of our lineage in Otherworlds.

Indigo Children are Extra-terrestrial-Future Race-Human-Hybrids,
Yet they are more fully human than we are!

The Indigo DNA Imprint is that of the Elder Human Race + 7th Root Race, Melchizedek & Yunaseti Cloister + Human

Sirius B is located in the 6th Kathara grid, connected to the 6th chakra, the Pineal Gland.

In this meditation you are guided to connect with your Sirian Self, the 6th dimensional Self, Your Soul.

It guides through releasing and connecting, becoming Aware of your Multidimensional Identity, starting with your Sirian Self.

Your Krysted Imprint starts integrating your Soul, the Indigo Child within.

Breathe The Breath Of Life blog

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