Seeking His Strength: A Reflection on 1 Chronicles 16:11

8 months ago

Seeking His Strength: A Reflection on 1 Chronicles 16:11

let’s reflect
on a very beautiful
and powerful scripture
from the Word of God.
In 1 Chronicles chapter 16 verse 11,
we find a verse
that shines with the beauty
of God’s promise to be our strength.
It says:

"Look to the Lord and his strength;
seek his face always."

This verse calls us
to continually seek the Lord,
not just in times of need,
but in every moment of our lives.
It reminds us
that our strength comes from Him
and that in His presence,
we find the guidance and peace we yearn for.
As we navigate
through the challenges and joys of life,
let this be our compass
always turning our gaze towards God
and relying on His unfailing strength.

Let us Pray:
Heavenly Father,
we come before You today
with open hearts.
Help us to look to You and Your strength
in all that we do.
Teach us to seek Your face
with unwavering dedication,
knowing that in Your presence
lies the wisdom and peace we seek.
May our journey be guided by Your light,
and may we find solace
in Your eternal love.
In Jesus's name, we pray.


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