G7 Leaders Hardening Their Tone on China

9 months ago

06/14/2024 Kethevane Gorjestani, France 24 International Affair Editor: When it comes to dealing with China, G7 leaders hardened their tone and demonstrated an unprecedented unity. They accused China of unfair trade practices, called on China to stop helping Russia's war effort, and expressed concern about the intimidation activities of China in the South China Sea.
#G7 #CCP #unfairtradepractices #southchinasea
06/14/2024 France 24国际事务编辑Kethevane Gorjestani:在应对中共问题上,七国集团领导人的措辞非常强硬并展现出空前团结。他们谴责中共的不公平贸易行为,呼吁中共停止帮助俄罗斯的战争努力,并对中共在南中国海的恐吓活动表示担忧。
#G7峰会 #中共 #不公平贸易行为 #南中国海

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