An Angry Goat Argues With A Man

6 years ago

Goats are such funny animals! They always seem so chilled out, as if nothing could ever bother them. However, there certainly are exceptions to this rule! I bet you have never seen a goat engage in a discussion with a man! It might sound a little weird, but that’s exactly what this video is about! This will make you laugh out loud, for sure! As the clip begins, you can see a goat and a man, engaged in the weirdest conversation ever. I’m not sure what are they arguing about, but judging by the sound of the goat’s blubbering, you can tell that they can’t agree on anything! The goat is getting angry! Luckily, he is locked behind the barn gate, because otherwise, he would have attacked the man long ago! LOL! That’s one angry goat! Isn’t this the funniest argument you have seen in quite some time? So hilarious!

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