God’s Promise & Coming Judgement by Fire. I’m watching June 22nd and July 4th for different reasons.

8 months ago

One of the toughest videos to make in 4 years…constant file corruptions, audio deleted, having to redo sections upwards of 3 times; then it rendered without sound. I finally got this thing Frankenstein’ed together, but please pardon a couple sections where the sound simply wouldn’t work so I pasted in the text.

Since my last video, I’ve been under significant spiritual warfare – my car broken into, was sick, neighbors up the street were m*rd*red, the company I work for had a datacenter failure, my internet was out during the Florida rains, the stress of having Russia surround Florida with nuclear subs and ships, and in my spare time I worked on getting this video done…if I hadn’t been dogged with issues it would have been done on the 12th. All glory to Jesus Christ.

In this video is my 13 reasons list for why I am watching June 22nd so closely, as the highest watch date ever (in my book). Not date setting – just watching. But watching with excitement. Even so Lord, come quickly. I hope this blesses someone.

Two Videos Important to Understanding:
1. I Believe I Just Found the Hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U92Fs9KUgdQ&t=95s
2. I Believe I Found the Hour – Part 2 (Gods Land Down Under Found the Day) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD4sJ8Kja5Y

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