Apatros Review Ep-0074: Lethal Virus [2021]

3 months ago

AR-0074: An extremely low budget Spanish outdoor hike in the zombie-infested woods of Spain shot right before the pandemic [& thus having NO connection whatsoever to The Wuhan Flu], only to have the world catching the Jinping Snuffle before it could be released, prompting the filmmakers to add in a prologue making the Covid-Connection to boost the film's relevancy [a mighty distasteful proposition, if you ask me], this boring-as-zombie-hitsa piece of... Well, zombie hitsa... Has a prehistoric form of rabies escape from the polar icecaps due to Al Gore's pet climate conspiracy [how's the beachside properties' sales prices going eh, Al? I hear the polar 🐻 are looking to move in, now that they have enough children and a bumper harvest of food to survive and they're looking to try living in America for a change], turning those infected into undead humanivores who look like they could win the Boston Marathon. A survivalist decides to help the only surviving scientist from an expedition mission head to a nearby town to retrieve "an important specimen" vital to the mission, which means trekking on foot through the Spanish countryside and dodging zombies.

This is one of the most boring... Excuse me THE most boring zombie film I've come across so far - in spite of my legendary patience this proved such a hard slog even I was having trouble keeping attention on it. For mere mortals this is a guaranteed insomnia cure. The leftist bullhitsa spouted by the female [closet Sapphist] scientist is annoying but the movie isn't exactly bad enough to be atrocious, surprisingly enough, so there's that. However, if you want the true "pandemic zombie" experience that is entertaining, stick with Charles Band's "Corona Zombies"...

My Grade: D [Bad]

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