Why Americans Are Leaving Third World Shithole States

8 months ago

Americans are fed-up with democrat-run states and cities. Virtually every one of them can be classified as a third world shithole.

Ironically, many of those leaving have been suckling on the teat of socialism and cultural Marxism so long, they bring their communistic ideas with them and can't understand why their new hosts don't like them. They're too stupid to realize and understand that the very definition of insanity is doing the same things the same way over and over and over again and expecting different results.

In 2022, over 817,000 people left California. At the same time, New York experienced a net loss of around 75,000 families. Houses on the northeast and west coasts of the United States were once the most sought-after residences in the nation. Now, people are leaving these areas in droves to live a less expensive and more fulfilling life. Where are people going? Why are they leaving? And could this signal a fundamental shift in the way the United States looks and operates? Let's take a closer look.

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