Confusion to Clarity | 1 Samuel 6

4 months ago

Are you trying to find your way from chaos and confusion to clarity?

Happy Father's Day, and welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 6. I've titled this chapter "From Confusion to Clarity."

So far, in the story of 1 Samuel, we have been introduced to a few key figures, like Samuel and Eli, but rather quickly, we come upon a battle between the Philistines and the Israelites. Israel sustains devastating losses, and the Ark of God is taken. The problem for the Philistines is that the Ark of God proved to be a curse to them for about seven months. It tormented the five lords of the five cities with the Black Plague and severe hemorrhoids. The situation is so bad that their attention has turned from their victory over God to what to do with God.

The chapter we are reading this week chronicles how the Philistines rid themselves of the Ark of God and how the Israelites received the Ark of God. Through their experiences, we uncover some profound lessons on how both unbelievers and believers find their way through chaos and confusion to clarity.

The key verse of this chapter is verse 20, which reads:

"And the men of Beth-shemesh said, 'Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God? And to whom shall he go up away from us?'" — 1 Samuel 6:20

If you read through the chapter, you will notice that it begins with big questions and ends with big questions. However, the questions at the beginning are very different from those at the end. The Philistines' initial question in verse two is: “What shall we do with the ark of the Lord?" The Israelites' final question in verse twenty is: "Who is able to stand before the Lord, this holy God?"

As we compare these questions, we can see three distinct differences. First, the nature of the questions is different. The Philistines are grappling with how to handle an object of God, while the Israelites are wrestling with the very nature of God. Second, the motivation behind the questions is different. The Philistines are driven by self-preservation, while the Israelites are motivated by self-renunciation. Third, the responses to the questions are different. The Philistines' response to God is superficial, while the Israelites' response is spiritual.

This chapter is bookended by two questions from two different people with two different responses that attempt to address the chaos and confusion in life. Eventually, the chapter concludes with one nation seeking clarity by ridding itself of God and the other finding clarity by returning to the reverence of God.

We all face moments of chaos and confusion. Through these times, we are confronted with the most profound questions we will ever have about God and his work in this life. These questions either guide you to rid yourself of God or to reverence of God. But if you rid yourself of God, you will never find the clarity you need through the chaos of this life. Chaos and confusion will come again. Permanent clarity is only found if you are willing to come to the end of yourself and submit to the heavy hand of the Holy God. In full submission of all we are to God we find the clarity we need through every time of chaos and confusion in this life. So if you need this today, submit to him.

God, on this Father's Day, we men submit our lives to you. We all have some form of chaos and confusion in our lives right now. We need your clarity and know this is only found bowed low before you. We are sons. You are the only Father. Lead the way we are ready to obey. Amen.

#FaithInChaos, #FindingClarity, #SubmitToGod

Ask This:
How do you typically respond to moments of chaos and confusion in your life? What steps can you take to ensure your response draws you closer to God rather than pushing Him away?
In what areas of your life do you need to submit more fully to God's authority? How can you practically begin to bow low before Him and seek His clarity in those situations?
Do This:
Submit to God.

Pray This:
Father, I surrender my chaos and confusion to You, seeking Your divine clarity and guidance. Help me trust in Your wisdom and revere You in every aspect of my life. Amen.

Play This:
I Surrender.

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