I AM PRIMARY SOURCE convo after # 56

7 months ago

Which religiously inspired saying are you living? “Life is suffering and then we die?” = or – “Life is a Joy and then we Ascend?”

Are we accepting Jesus’ Promise: “I come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10; KJV)

Jesus calls Our Creator’s Blessing into us so powerfully that you will actually FEEL it in your own being!

Jesus gave to two of the women the same vision the Open Door that no one can shut. You can experience it.

What was life on Earth like before the Fall?

God never wastes LIFE. The I AM’s LIFE is within all people in heaven and on earth.

Swift upgrading of the Miracle manifestations that are part of Jesus’ Mission completion.

He speaks His Love and Praise to God.

😊This Conversation is an informal demonstration of the RECORDING SOURCE used in the previous post!

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