We could stand to be slightly less judgmental towards our own 🤷🏻‍♀️

8 months ago

And this goes for Christians tenfold.
If you watch this reel and have no idea what I’m talking about, because you’ve only had positive experiences with Christians and/or conservatives, that’s wonderful. My perspective and experience can be different from yours; that’s really ok. You’re not in my shoes, and vice versa. I am not saying this is ALL conservatives or is my overwhelming experience with conservatives. But this post was inspired by several experiences and observations—online and also amongst many of my favorite conservative commentators.
To get a bit more specific and give you one example: what I see amongst many—not all but many—conservatives—both online and well-known commentators—is that they followed the “right” path (i.e. got married young/ish, had kids, live in or moved to a “free” state, maybe homeschool, etc.), and—perhaps because they’ve never been in anyone else’s shoes—there is oftentimes a bit too much harshness or judgment towards other conservatives or would-be conservatives who didn’t follow the straight and narrow path. It’s off putting, and it’s a losing political strategy.
Another example in this same vein? We like to make fun of women past a certain age who are unmarried, but we’d do well to remember they’re not ALL liberal blue-hairs with 25 cats and more abortions. I know so many conservative-minded—and moreover, Christian—women who are unmarried in their 30s and also 40s, struggling with that. So while I like jokes as much as the next person, conservatives would do well to shift their messaging on this just slightly—especially when we’re not joking.
Does that mean abandon truth to preserve others’ feelings? No. It just means some people followed a different path; maybe they struggled with different things you didn’t struggle with; maybe they were raised differently; maybe they came to conservatism later in life; maybe…any number of things.
That’s just one example; I could write an entire essay on this.
Mostly I just want to ensure our movement offers hope to the masses—not just to young early-twenty-somethings.
If this doesn’t apply to you, just carry on about your day.

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