Geoengineering Around the World an In-Depth Conversation

7 months ago

Matt, Allyson and Ian rejoin me on the podcast to continue our discussion on Geoengineering.

Just to refresh your memory or in case you missed our first podcast episode with the 4 of us here is a little background on my guests.

Matt Landman is an an expert in Chemtrails and creator of the documentary Frankenskies and just recently returned from another trip to Scotland where he was speaking at a rally, and he also visited London which we discuss on the podcast episode. Allyson Allard is a Self-Sabotage coach and Ian Ball an Engineer in Montreal who really gets what is going on in the world we live in joins me for an incredible podcast episode where we discuss the very important topic of Chemtrails that affects all of humanity.

We break down the whole topic of Geoengineering and discuss other things happening in our current world that affects humanity.

It was a great conversation between 4 individuals who really get what is going on in the world, stand up and speak out against the evils of this world and what is happening that affects all of humanity.

Here is where you can follow my guests on social media

Matt's Websites

Follow Allyson on Instagram Under abravenewmind

Follow Matt on TikTok @speroprotection

Follow my journey on TikTok
as they are the best social media platform to get the truth out as to what is really going on in the world. Humanity is coming together to stand for human rights like never before and TikTok is the place to see this wonderful movement unfolding before your very eyes.

Wisdom and Knowledge 5 Podcast can be found on the following platforms. Be sure to subscribe I got some great guests coming up.





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