Unnasking FASD: Insights from Dr. Ken Jones

8 months ago

Season 2, Episode 3
Living with FASD is an educational and human interest show for those living with the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol, their loved one and anyone interested in learning more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, brought to you by someone with both professional and living experience with FASD.
In this enlightening episode of Living with FASD, we welcome Dr. Kenneth Lyons Jones, a pioneering figure in the field of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Dr. Jones shares his insights on the profound effects of prenatal alcohol exposure, comparing its impact to other substances like fentanyl. We delve into the complexities of diagnosing FASD, the urgent need for biological markers, and the importance of early diagnosis. Dr. Jones also discusses the societal challenges and the crucial role of awareness and advocacy in addressing this underrecognized condition.

(00:00) Introduction
(02:00) Dr. Ken Jones' Background
(05:15) Impact of Alcohol vs. Other Drugs
(12:45) Fentanyl and Prenatal Exposure
(18:30) Diagnostic Challenges and Need for Biomarkers
(30:00) Societal Awareness and Advocacy
(45:00) Research Directions and Legacy Work
(55:00) Conclusion
If you would like to suggest topics of the show or just to say hello, you can reach me at livingwithfasdpodcast@gmail.com.
If you would like to become part of the podcast community, hop on over to Facebook and join our group “Living with FASD Podcast.”
I am a Certified Facilitator of FASCETS Neurobehavioral Model. If you would like information about the neurodevelopment model and would like to book a training for agencies or community groups, please reach out to me here: https://calendly.com/kaspertrainingandcoaching/consultation
If you would like to talk with me about coaching services, either as a parent of a child with FASD, or as a neurodivergent adult (perhaps by listening you’ve begun to question if prenatal alcohol exposure could explain some of your struggles in life), please reach out to me here for a complimentary consultation: https://calendly.com/kaspertrainingandcoaching/introductory-chat-with-patti
If you would like to become part of the podcast community, please go to www.patreon.com/LivingwithFASDPodcast, a free community but where you can also consider supporting the production costs of this podcast by joining the patreon community for either $5, $10 or $15/month, all of which is less than a weekly cup of coffee.

As always, thank you for tuning in this week. Please consider liking/subscribing/sharing this podcast. Have a wonderful week!
Until next Monday,
Patti Kasper
Your FASD Coach

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