Discussing the Godhead | Warning Against Heresy

8 months ago

#christianity #doctrine #theology
How important is it to understand the Divine Nature of the Godhead? What exactly is the #trinity ? Does any of this actually matter? Join me and some guests for a thoughtful conversation on this topic. This is a repost of a livestream.

*As relayed in the introduction of the video, when the live chat is opened, some guests will espouse views or opinions that do not reflect those of Pastor Barry or BRN Ministries or their ministerial associates. Some fools love to run their own mouth, others are attempting to sow damnable heresies beguiling others from the Truth being deceived and under great delusion themselves. Pastor Barry makes attempts to be clear on distinguishing what is second tier and what is necessary for the Gospel.

Get ready to have your mind blown by this revelation knowledge delivered from the Word of God. It's time to be freed from religious bondage by being reminded of the simple Gospel! Join Pastor Barry and Guests for Spiritual Insights and Bible Knowledge.

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Video animation provided by Whitestone Productions, LLC
mailto: whitestone.ky@gmail.com

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