3 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
Write these words watchman. Sound the alarm! I am sending my adversary to do my will against your wicked nation. Yes, the murmurings in the heart of the wicked I see everyday. This is the same murmurings of doubt my people had in the wilderness when I tried to bring them into the promised land. My church is not ready! Very few have made themselves ready. I will not allow sin to enter my kingdom. Those that struggle need to surrender all to me and I will set them free. To struggle is not a sin because flesh is stronger than the spirit because most do not feed the Spirit. But my word tells you, that GREATER is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Temptations will come, but those that run to me will be set free. Come to me and check your heart. I will tell you of any sin you might still be harboring that will keep you out of my kingdom. Then confess and repent from your sin, and I will forgive, and wash you clean.

I will set your feet on the straight and narrow path. I will help you everyday, to keep your eyes on me, and not on the things that this world distracts you with. I want you to be with me my bride. I am coming for you! There are very few who have made the garments of their heart clean before me, so they won’t stand naked and ashamed when the trumpet sounds to come up here. I will snatch you away from this wicked world that hates me.

You are mine and I am yours. Be strong and courageous in these final moments. Wait on me to renew your strength. All the answers are in my word. Spend time with me, and I will strengthen my Spirit within you, to stand boldly against the enemy within. Your flesh is my enemy, but as I said, MY SPIRIT within is GREATER!

Open your bible watchman, and I will give you the scriptures to share.

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Galatians‬ ‭2‬:‭20‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” Galatians‬ ‭3‬:‭22‬, ‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭KJV‬‬

“Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” Galatians‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Now watchman, my words of War are a warning for those who have ears to hear, that it is coming upon this wicked nation, quickly. I will allow this nation in which you dwell to be utterly destroyed. But first you will see the birth pangs increase like never before. But remember, I am coming for you my bride! I see those who mock and scoff within my church. They refuse to let go of this world. They falsely preach that you have TIME on your side, and that I am not coming for some time. They lull you to sleep in your spirit, so you don’t feel the urgency of this hour. They are sent from my enemy to distract my church at this last hour.

Yes, this is the last hour! Your timing is not my timing! Wake up the last few who have some discernment of the times. Tell them the hope you have in me, and I will touch their heart with my Spirit. They will be the last ones who join my bride in these last days, and in this last hour you are in. My watchmen have warned of what is coming, but few listen without murmurings. Just as I did with my people who murmured against me in the wilderness. They refused to listen, and go take the promised land I had given them. I will do the same to my church who murmurs at these warnings. I see whose heart does not come to me when a word is given, to see if it lines up with my word. I see those who would rather ignore my warnings that I speak through willing vessels, such as this watchman.

I tell you the truth. War is coming to your land. It will be internal war with your brother. With you neighbor. With your family and with your friends. Did I not say that I come not to bring peace but a sword? Those who choose me will be separated from those who choose this world. You have already seen the start of this and it will only increase with each passing day.

The hour is late and soon time will be called in. When my voice calls up my Spirit from within you my bride, you will rise with my Spirit. That is why my word tells you that he cannot come until I remove my restrainer. Then once my restrainer is removed, this world will see all hell released upon it, and many of those left behind will face death. But if they choose not not take his mark upon their right hand or forehead, then they will be able to make it into heaven with you my bride.

Warn all you know of what is coming. The seed will be planted in their heart when they hear. They may be able to make it after I call up my bride, but that is not promised to many, as sudden destruction is coming like never before. My bride will be safe in my arms, but those left behind will not. War is coming! I am coming for you my bride!


Those were direct words given to me when I obediently got out of bed after opening my eyes while sleeping and seeing 4:44am. I struggled at first, and argued with the Holy Spirit, telling him that he could tell me what we wanted later in the morning. But as I tried to close my eyes again, I felt the unction and tugging of the Holy Spirit to get up, and go meet the Lord Jesus. I didn’t know what he wanted to tell me but the first thing he said was, War War War. He said this, and then told me to get up from praying, and start writing. I was then expecting something different than what he gave me. He has already warned about him sending Russia to destroy this unrepentant nation. But he spoke to me more about internal war starting first. This post is what he said to share and so I am sharing out of obedience with the title he gave me.

I pray this reaches the one person the Lord Jesus is trying to reach, and that it touches their heart, knowing that he loves them. He is coming, and wants us all to be ready for that twinkling of an eye moment, when the trumpet sounds, and the Holy Spirit that is within the bride, is taken up. The ambassadors for Christ will be called home before war on earth, as that’s what nations do before war begins. They call home their ambassadors. Let’s be ready, and don’t look back like Lot’s wife.

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