Gundam Wing - Ep49 HD Watch

8 months ago

"The Final Victor"

Heero and Zechs begin their final duel against each other while Duo sets off with the Gundam engineers, who intend to rewire Peacemillion so it will destroy itself before it and Libra crash on Earth. This objective is eventually accomplished, though it kills the engineers along with Quinze. Lady Une announces the surrender of the World Nation to the moderate colony leaders in the wake of Treize's death, who agree with her proposal that the war must end. Heero and Zechs continue fighting until they agree that it now has no meaning. After Zechs seemingly sacrifices himself to destroy Libra, Heero uses the Wing Zero's twin buster rifle to destroy the remaining fragment of the station that has entered the atmosphere. Following the end of the war, Earth and the colonies unite together to form the Earth Sphere Unified Nation. Relena, having returned to her Darlian identity, becomes the new vice foreign minister in hopes of maintaining the peace

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