2024 Bussin' With The Boys DAD COMBINE (ft. ‪@CHEFCUSO‬)

8 months ago

In this special episode of Under The Hood (most of) the boys call upon their dads to participate in our first ever Dad Combine. Also for the first time ever we get to see Bill Compton and Dave Lewan in action and it makes so much sense why Will and Taylor are the way that they are.

The dads participate in four events throughout the day:

1. Building a grill
2. Fashion Walk (buy our merch)
3. Cutting the grass
4. Grilling a steak
5. Father/Son Trivia

At the end of the day the Dad who performs the best is awarded with the coveted Most Valuable Dad (MVD) award.

Stick around til the end of the video and watch the legendary Chef Cuso put together an absurd Tri-tip sandwich for the boys to enjoy.

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