Mike Yoha Testimony for HB319

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Mike Yoha is a father and Pharmacist who tells his tragic story of being severely disabled by a Covid shot that was mandatory for him to attend his daughter’s volleyball games.

HB 319 “Conscientious Right to Refuse Act”-SUPPORT TESTIMONY

Find out more about HB 319 at OhioAMF.org and TomRenz.com

Reach out to media@tomrenz.com to get Tom involved in fighting similar legislation in your state!

Help me fight court sanctions: "Renz Sanctioned by Judge That Violated Code of Ethics Despite NO Evidence of Wrongdoing" Attorney Tom Renz was sanctioned by Judge James Carr of the Northern District of Ohio, Western Division, Toledo despite the fact that there was no evidence on record of wrongdoing and three days worth of evidence, including testimony from 6 other attorneys from around the country, that Renz’s work was good and proper. More info on this battle can be found at our Give Send Go where we are asking for help to fund the legal fight here: https://www.givesendgo.com/renzlaw

Our charity: give to our charity For God Family Country to support our fight against corruption in our judicial system, unbiased research, transparent solutions, from healthcare to lawfare (#JusticeReform #CureCancer) please donate to our charity: For God Family Country at Donate ForGodFamilyCountry.org - forgodfamilycountry.org/justice-reform/

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