You're the Temple, Not the Idol

7 months ago

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It’s easy to replace God’s proper place as the focus of our attention and energy.

When we begin to prioritize and pursue anything over and above God Himself, it becomes what the Bible calls an idol.

I’m not talking about dark and evil things that you’d clearly recognize as being opposed to God. This happens a lot with things intended to be for our good when done in the right perspective and priority. Humans have struggled with this since the beginning of time. Romans 1:21-23 says, “For although they knew God, they did not honor Him or give thanks to Him…they exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man.”

Jesus taught to this idea all throughout His ministry and called out obvious idols like the love of money or the Pharisees desire for control and power. But He also challenged His followers on the good things that could become idols, like loving their families more than loving God Himself.

The passage we’ve referred to throughout this month in 1 Corinthians 6 tells us that if you follow Jesus, your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. The function of the temple was to be a physical reference point to gather people to worship the only One deserving to be worshipped. The temple was not the point, the temple was just the platform or stage for the main event.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in your workouts, eating habits, and how you feel about yourself that you begin to replace worship for God with your fitness efforts. Likewise, if you are pursuing the comforts of life in unhealthy ways – streaming endless hours of movies, enjoying too much fast food, and not being active, that is also an idol because you’re not using your body to serve God and others around you with your best effort.

Don’t make fitness or comfort become an idol. You are the temple. Your body is just the stage.

So where are you at? Are you using your temple to point people to Jesus by the time, habits, and priorities you have, or are you pointing people back to you. Are you the temple or the idol?

We would love to help equip you for this journey, reach out to us today and let us be a resource for you!

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