X22 Report-3378-Fed Admits Job Numbers Manipulated-Trump Sets Stage For Debates-DS Gone!-Ad Free!

7 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3378a - Fed Admits The Job Numbers Are Manipulated, The Petrodollar Agreement Is Expiring

The Fed is right on schedule, they are holding the rates while building the narrative of a rate cut. Powell admits the job numbers might be overstated. Election interference. Saudi Arabia Petrodollar agreement is expiring, the [CB] is being dismantled.
Ep. 3378b - Trump Has Set The Stage For The Debates, Down The [DS] Goes, Strikes Will Come Fast

The [DS] is not in control, the people are seeing the truth. Trump has now set the stage for the debates. Back in 2020 he told the world that the laptop was real and that JB was lying about taking money from foreign countries. Biden used 51 intelligent clowns to back up his story, now the truth is out and he lied. From this point on the strikes will come fast and the [DS] will be exposed further as we get closer to the election. 
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