CCP Use Three Tactics to Deal With the United States

3 months ago

06/13/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: According to the early revelations by NFSC, CCP has deployed many secret military forces at America's backyard and surrounding regions, and uses three tactics to deal with the US. First, build drone bases. Second, transform the cargo ships into launch missiles bases and spy ships, anchor them in South America, conduct monitoring, tracking, and even submarine activities. Third, use BGY tactics to blackmail and control the countries, building a lot of so-called satellite launch systems and scientific research systems, but it's really just military functions.
#CCP #BGY #dronebase #Americanbackyard #spyship
06/13/2024 喜安娜做客Outside the Beltway节目:根据新中国联邦早前披露的情报,中共在美国后院及其周边地区部署了大量的秘密军事力量,并使用三招来对付美国。第一:建造无人机基地;其次:将货轮改造成导弹发射基地和间谍船,将其停泊在南美洲,进行监听、跟踪甚至潜水等活动;第三:利用蓝金黄手段勒索和控制这些国家,然后建设许多所谓的卫星发射基地和科研基地,但实际上全是军事功能。
#中共 #蓝金黄 #无人机基地 #美国后院 #间谍船

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