October 7th + the 'Blue Shirts'

4 months ago

Here's one for the 'conspiracy analysts' out there, chatter from Israeli 'theorists' in the days after the October 7th Hamas attack.

"Within a few days of the October 7 attacks, videos started circulating online of people wearing light blue shirts who were embedded in the Hamas units which raided Israel.

"These 'blue shirts' appeared to be mercenaries and some of them were clearly speaking HEBREW with a clean JEWISH (not arabic!) accent and also appeared like Jews of European heritage ('Ashkenazi')."

Actionable Truth Media have a number of interesting videos/clips up wrt the October 7th attacks.

XPosted from:

"The 'Blue Shirts' of October 7"




Also interesting, from the same content creator:

""Wall of Jericho": The IDF knew of the Hamas plans to attack Israel in May 2022"



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