WARNING: BIRD FLU FOOD RATIONS! Government Using Fake Pandemic & WW3 To Destroy Supply Chain!

8 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the mass recalls of food across the board as farmers are forced to cull nearly 100 herds of cows due to the bird flu hoax spreading quickly throughout mainstream and alternative medias alike. With millions of chickens culled and governments demanding farmers kill their herds, this hoax is getting out of control. The use of PCR tests on chickens is a joke in finding whether these animals are sick or not, especially considering the vast majority of these chickens culled have zero symptoms whatsoever. This isn't stopping the propaganda from escalating dramatically. Both mainstream and mainstream alternative medias are spreading fear mongering about the so-called "bird flu" of H5N1. This is helping push the agenda to destroy the food supply further which in turn leads to food rations on carbon and social credits attached a CBDC. The scripted World War 3 storyline is also leading to rations as the German government claims they will force conscription and food rations soon in a potentially inevitable fight with Russia. The rest of the NATO countries are likely to see a similar scenario.

They're destroying the food supply on one hand and poisoning the remaining food supply on the other. There's a reason why the elites are building bunkers and stocking up. Are you prepared? Or will you fall for their tricks and kiss their rings?

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