The Clobber Passages-NOW THE END BEGINS-JUNE 13 2024

8 months ago

If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase 'clobber passages' when talking about Bible verses that are tough to hear, problematic and highly convicting. They are called 'clobber verses' because of their blunt impact upon the hearer, so much so that they are avoided to a fairly high degree by the same Evangelicals who named them 'clobber passages' in the first place. The word of God is called a 'sword' for a reason. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at many of the so-called clobber verses, that touch on a variety of topics and subjects, and are in the Bible for our sanctification. What the evangelicals call a clobber passage, the Bible calls conviction, and yes, they can be tough to hear especially if it's about something we might be struggling with at the time we hear it. For the most part, the 'clobber passages' are Genesis 19:1-38; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:25-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Timothy 1:9-10 and Jude 6-7. But that's largely as it relates to the LGBTQ crowd, there are a number of clobber passages for heterosexuals as well and we will look at those. God wrote the Bible for our edification, sanctification and learning, we need not be afraid of any passages whether they 'clobber' or not.

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