Has the Entrepreneurial Spirit Left Hollywood? Corporatism vs. Creativity

8 months ago

Stay tuned for our next chapter of Backward Engineering Your Script, coming soon!

In today's episode...

Hollywood has always been a town of feast or famine. Brought out of nothing by largely Jewish entrepreneurs who created a world of wealth out of the orange groves of California and a handful of Vaudevillains. Throughout its history, Hollywood has had its share of flush times and lean times, with each downturn leading to the next Renaissance. Zanuck, Fox, Disney, Laemmele, Cohn, Warner, Zukor, Selznick, and Goldwyn were pioneers who used technology and careful control of budgets to create an industry of dreams. Today, we see Wall Street shorting entertainment, but is the field down and out, drowned by TikTok and Instagram, or is it just waiting for the Next Big Thing. Don't ever underestimate Hollywood's ability to stage a comeback.

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