Ahead By A Century B-Side 🏡👫🏻🎏

9 months ago

This is an alternate version of a video I made for this amazing song, arguably the best song, from the late great band @thetragicallyhip ...RIP Gord. His music & genius-level lyricism will live forever. As always, shoutout to @plazmapunk for the gear I need to create my illustrious compositions. More to come Fishheads, stay tuned. Also, be sure to like, comment, share, & SUBSCRIBE...not just to this channel, but all of my channels since Jootube keeps me locked in a perpetual state of shadowbannedness. Time for the mass migration to other platforms, most notably Rumble, where free speech still exists unfettered by rainbow-haired big tech bias. The links to all my other channels are on my homepage here. Jootube can suck a big bag of my fish sticks. Regardless of all that, YUGE thanks to all of my subscribers & supporters. Without you all, I'd be all alone in the digital gulag, so again, much love, thanks, & appreciation for everyone who follows my work. One final note: this is the last video I am uploading on this computer. My new one will be here tomorrow & it's a significant upgrade form this dinosaur. This computer has been great; I've created thousands of hours of content on this beast, went through the big purge during the 2016-2017 "Great Purge" years with her, & she's still going, albeit she's running on her last fumes. It took me several hours to do here what should take only minutes with an upgraded computer, & so, the time has come to level up. My first video via the new interface should be up in the next couple days. Make sure you click "ALL" on the notification bell, so you'll know when I upload fresh fish. Until next time, stay golden fam. So sayeth FisH™...🎣

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