Covid-19, Global Depopulation and the Transhuman Agenda. Dennis Behreandt / David Knight Show

7 months ago

Covid-19, Global Depopulation and the Transhuman Agenda. Dennis Behreandt / David Knight Show
Interview From 2023
INTERVIEW: Endgame of "Moral Biological Enhancement", Nanotech & Transhumanism
***Dennis Behreandt, publisher of The New American, on his new book "Endgame: Covid and the Dark State Quest for Bio-digital Convergence in a Transhumanist World"***
Find out more about the show and where you can watch it at
End Game: COVID and the Dark State Quest for Bio-digital Convergence in a Transhumanist World
5 Stars on Amazon
End Game is an examination of the terrifying ideas of the Dark State’s internationalist-elite oligarchs and the disquieting technological trends that, combined, threaten the fabric of our reality and the very future of mankind. Examining the history of population control, eugenics and genocide and the ideas that motivated these crimes against humanity, End Game provides the deep and dark context that lies behind the policies implemented worldwide as part of the Covid pandemic response and that underly the potential use of emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and life extension.
Former Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul says: "End Game makes a compelling, fact-based case that the COVID lockdowns and mandates set the stage for what either will be a Great Reset that will use modern technology to complete our slide into totalitarianism or a (peaceful) revolt against our ruling class that will lead to a Great Restoration of our Constitutional Republic. This book should be read and shared by all who care about liberty.
An Additional Video Interview
-END GAME: The Deep, Dark Deceit of Emerging Technologies (With Dennis Behreandt)
Curtis interviews Dennis Behreandt, author of the new book, END GAME. Behreandt’s book examines the history of population control, eugenics, and genocide and the ideas that motivated these crimes against humanity. Find out how globalists are deceptively advancing the Great Reset through policies implemented worldwide as part of the Covid pandemic response and emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and life extension.
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