i don't even have to pay these women to prove my points

8 months ago

it is fairly quiet
all i want is for someone to get this form of self-expression
most people do most things that i don't agree w/
some would call me a fascist
i don't wanna have to watch myself, i mean i already do haha
freedom didn't work, we tried
if the govt ain't Christian it won't work, it will be like this or worse
bad people will always run everything
a decent outcome is highly unlikely
death. destruction. war. division
knowing how much $ can be made on bad things why wouldn't bad people capitalize on this
it's kinda/sorta their fault tho
that'll be the mfing day
it's way too much fun to keep on swearing, sorry father andrew RIP
coffee interjection
i know that most people ain't gon roll w/ my thought process
nobody wants to execute any kinda righteous judgment
no i don't criticize for fun
i wish i could save ya from your terrible life decisions
reason ain't really a female thing
i don't wanna control ya, i just wanna help ya
women love to be controlled just not by a man, see: psychiatry
knowing the nature of women n the problems that ensue will get chu called a misogynist
once women understand their manipulative tendencies they can do sumin better
what to do next time so you don't scare off another guy
no man is gonna save em
a good God-fearing woman is a fucking gem
i am very silly so i think that they might be attracted to that cos they think i'd make a good mom
i try to quell temper tantrums but most of the time i fail

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