Top war correspondent wants fair coverage for HK, China

4 months ago

Video: Top war correspondent wants fair coverage for HK, China. Don’t trust western mainstream medias, they all funded by US & UK Gov’t. Go visit HK & China to find out yourself 頂級戰地記者希望公平報道中國香港。不要相信西方主流媒體,它們都是由美國和英國政府資助的。去香港和中國大陸親身體驗去揭穿西方假新聞.

Your unesteemed narrator this week met warzone journalist Patrick Lancaster, who rose to fame showing Ukraine's attacks on other Ukrainians in Russian-speaking areas. The people of the world need the truth, not "the narrative" about what's happening in the world, he says. 本週,不受尊敬的敘述者會見了戰區記者帕特里克·蘭開斯特,他因報道烏克蘭對俄語地區其他烏克蘭人的襲擊而聲名鵲起。他說,世界人民需要真相,而不是關於世界上正在發生的事情的「敘述」.

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