feminism is forgivable if you make good music *do i make bad music cos i ain't one of em

8 months ago

you're probably not listening but i will humor you
sometimes i do require a chastening i'll take whatever i can get
i curse myself in good fun
ag is balding!
fitting in never happened hahahaha
i was never enjoying myself anyway
they're just killing themselves in socially acceptable ways
most things that americans do on a regular basis are a slow but eventual suicide
throwing cat toys sounds like a genius idea at this moment
imma confuse paisely, i am being very selfish
an apology to a cat means absolutely nothing
she will meow later tonight
this is the last furry ball!
just turn messing up into part of the song
i look like such a lesbian hahahaha
i will never be a pianist
i can't stick w/ anything, i just get too bored
i'm not talented the way that those i am in awe of are talented
i wish that more people could use madness in a positive way
st vincent vs america
when pretty women tell me they're jealous of me...
i could never be a caricature
it's funny how much of a misogynist i seem to be but i can still be in awe of women even if they're feminists
God wants women to create so that's what i am trying to do even if it sucks

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