Walt Disney's People & Places - Disneyland USA (1956)

7 months ago

Walt Disney's People & Places was a companion series to his True Life Adventures Series. Where as True Life Adventures dealt with the animal kingdom, People & Places focused on different cultures around the world. All but a handful of the People & Places theatrical featurettes were filmed in Cinemascope. At the time, this was the only way people across America has access to these other cultures and Walt Disney brought it to them. (These featurettes have never been officially released because of wokeism rather than understanding what they really are.)

For one of the 1956 entries, Walt had Disneyland filmed so he could show his park to the rest of the world. In interviews Walt often described Disneyland as am eternal World's Fair celebrating American ideal, culture and values and he hoped these things would be adopted by other nations of the earth.

What is filmed is a Technicolor Cinemascope snapshot of what Disneyland looked like shortly after it had opened the previous year. This is perhaps the most important historical record of Disneyland at that time for this reason. Pay extra close attention to how Disneyland is presented in Walt's time compared with how it's presented today.

This featurette was originally released with Walt Disney's Westward Ho, the Wagons! and wasn't seen again until a few years later.

In 1962, Disneyland USA was reissued with the film Moon Pilot with a special premiere show gala with costumed Walt Disney characters at Radio City Music Hall. A special interactive film was produced where a costumed actor as Mickey Mouse interacted with a special film produced of Walt Disney introducing the Disneyland USA featurette. This is believed to be the final time Walt ever recorded dialog for Mickey Mouse. Disney favorite Wally Boag has a cameo as a film director scalped by American Indians in this introduction.

We have edited this introduction into this presentation so you can get the idea of at it may have been like.

Original release date January 20, 1956

Walt's introduction original release date April 5, 1962

Posted for historical purposes. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.

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