Listen To This When Feeling Frustrated Your Moment Hasn't Came YET ! MY TIME IS COMING (AFFIRMATION)

8 months ago

My Time Is Coming Affirmation is a very powerful affirmation to listen to when you are feeling down and being real hard on yourself because your big moment hasn't happened yet . It's easy to get caught up when we are in our building process and on our own unique journey and we haven't seen results yet from all the hard work we have been putting in. Comparing ourselves , our hard work and our god given gifts to other people's results who are only posting highlights of their current blessings on social media can be very unhealthy and make us feel super discouraged about where we are in OUR current moment . Sometimes you have to put down that phone , turn OFF the app and focus in and have tunnel vision about the assignment that was given to you in this lifetime . Over consuming content and being mentally dissected into all these different directions and not going within yourself to harness your power and believe and have faith that your hard work is going to pay off and your season to see and embody your results of the seeds you planted is coming . Don't give up on what your doing just because you haven't seen results yet. BY THE WAY ( NONE OF THE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE OR THE GREATS WERE BORN INTO THEIR POSITION AND JUST STARTED WHERE YOU SEE THEM ON DAY 1 . IT'S ALL A PROCESS . WE HAVE TO STOP THE COMPARISON GAME AND LOOKING FOR OUTSIDE VALIDATION. THE VALIDATION COMES WITHIN THAT IS WHY YOU HAVE TO LEARN TO DEAL WITH YOURSELF. !!!! THE POWER IS WITHIN YOU, INSIDE YOU, THE ENERGY YOU HARNESS IS YOUR DIVINE FREQUENCY , THAT DIVINE FREQUENCY IS YOUR POWER. AND THE DOWNLOADS AND ANSWERS YOU NEED TO FIT THE PIECE TO YOUR PUZZLE THEY ALL COME FROM YOUR HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS , IT WONT COME FROM A PERSON, YOUR FAMILY OR SOMETHING YOU CAN TOUCH. IT ISN'T TANGIBLE AND IT ISN'T IN MATERIAL MATTER . GO WITHIN AND GET READY AND GET ALIGNED BECAUSE WHEN YOUR TIME COMES YOU DON'T WANT TO LOOSE IT ALL BECAUSE YOUR AREN'T READY TO RECEIVE AND KEEP THE BLESSING ONCE ITS HERE. STOP LOOKING AT OTHER PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!
These affirmations are made to help you lock in with your higher self and become the best version of yourself. This is designed for the words you recite from this affirmation to say it as your own and embody the words as your own . To give it power . It has to be your own energy source. ( My , I , Me , I AM ) are all power energy source words . Repeat this affirmation everyday in first person to manifest YOUR REALITY AND THE CHANGES YOU WANT TO SEE, THE VERSION OF YOUR OWN BIG WIN ( NOT ANYONE ELSE'S OR WHAT OTHERS SHOW YOU SUCCESS LOOKS LIKE. IT'S THE VERSION OF SUCCESS THAT RESONATES WITH YOU , ALL LIFESTYLES AREN'T FOR EVERYONE AND ALL FREQUENCIES DO NOT MATCH EVERYONE . ) !!
Subscribe to this channel for more daily affirmations to recite in first person to empower yourself so you can start seeing results and take your power back from outside validation & social media , brainwash , manipulation. #affirmations #lawofattraction #happiness #abundance
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