Peace and Serenity -Emotional Body Clearing

8 months ago

The human emotional body has never been adequately explored by the medical community, as John D. Rockefeller and his team DELIBERATELY sought to conceal its existence from humanity, thereby preventing us from understanding the simplicity of self-healing our own physical ailments from disease.. using our God given divine powers to do so… once we have a clear understanding of how to do this inner work within the “emotional body”, then we are able to heal any ailment.

**** One cannot heal the physical until we heal the Mental***

The more we continue to remain in ANY negative states of emotions: be it worry, fear, anger, sadness, hate, separation, anxiety, bitterness, resentment, dislike others, jealous, judgmental, gossiping etc….. ALL we will receive back are situations of THE SAME… sad, worry, fear, anger hate etc….. back into our own lives!!!! When we hold negative emotions in the body over time - it eventually turns into a chronic disease…. Don’t you see?
We are self inflicting our own health and we are unaware we are doing this to ourselves..

•Bitterness/Resentment: leads to arthritis
•Anger: leads to heart attacks/ heart issues
•Worry/Fear: leads to Lung/Respiratory disease
Hate: leads to cancer
And so on……….

Until we as the human race stand together as ONE- and know the TRUTH! They only came to “divide and conquer” this is the reason we have all the disorder between humanity on the planet today.

love all brothers and sisters because we are all connected: we are from the same God: When we hurt another we are only hurting oursleves.. until we forgive all brothers and sisters (even the thieves we must also forgive)
Because We are only love and light - that’s who we are….

Love and light! 🥰

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