How To Break the Reincarnation Cycle and Escape The Simulation

8 months ago

This reality is not what you think it is. Ancient cultures of the world talk about the concept of simulation and how this reality matrix work. We see evidence of it in our daily lives all the time, but many us dismiss it as coincidences.

Every day we wake up and live our busy lives without ever questioning what is the purpose of this existence. I present to you this great talk by David Icke who has written a book about the simulation and how to escape it called "The Trap", in which he details the answer to many existential questions and the meaning of this artificial construct.

The Trap System - Why You are Imprisoned in Physical Body

David Icke.The Trap - What It Is, How It Works, And How We Escape Its Illusions.mp4

Strong Evidence Behind Reincarnation

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