The Story of Valiant Thor - Part 1

8 months ago

Reports of UFO sightings regularly appear in the media around the world, often in the form of actual unidentified flying objects. But UFO sightings are nothing new. Humans throughout history have reported seeing strange objects flying in the sky, but more specific reports of flying saucers and extraterrestrials date to the 1940s and '50s.

One of the strangest accounts of a UFO-related incident occurred in 1957. According to the 2001 book Stranger at the Pentagon by Dr. Frank E. Stranges, on March 16, 1957, a person identifying themselves as "Valiant Thor" came forward claiming to be a visitor from the planet Venus. According to Dr. Stranges's book, Valiant Thor had several meetings with high-level American officials, including President Dwight Eisenhower. In Stranger at the Pentagon, Stranges reveals Valiant Thor's reason for approaching the American president.

This incident is just one example of a UFO sighting researched by Dr. Stranges, a UFO expert and conspiracy theorist who started the "National Investigations Committee on UFOs" in 1964. Here are odd details from the very strange story of Valiant Thor, the man who claimed to be from Venus.

In the opening pages of Stranger at the Pentagon, Dr. Stranges shares a report from Harley Andrew Byrd, a man claiming to have worked in a "high-security position" at the Pentagon that was involved with Project Blue Book, the US Air Force's program to investigate UFOs

According to Dr. Stranges, one night in "mid-March," Byrd's department received a police report about an "alien visitor" that had been picked up in Virginia. Dr. Stranges does not provide a firsthand account of what this moment might have been like, but the extraterrestrial was reportedly taken directly to the Pentagon without incident. The alien went by the name "Valiant Thor," and he was described as a "space emissary."

Be sure to see part 2.

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