Dr. John Campbell - Proof of mRNA Vaccine Severe Injuries

8 months ago

The Pfizer Clinical Trial was recently re-analysed by Doctors and Scientist who have NO TIES TO THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES.

These Doctors and Scientist were NOT receiving $400,000,000 in Royalties from the the patents from the mRNA Vaccines, like the CDC, FDA and NIH.

These Doctors and Scientist are NOT receiving high paying jobs from the PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES.

These Doctors and Scientists are NOT receiving Millions of dollars in Grants to fund other projects from the NIAID or NIH.

These doctors and scientist are risking losing their medical licenses to tell you the TRUTH!

These Doctor and Scientists have an extremely high moral standards.

They are willing to sacrifice their Medical Licenses, their Incomes, their Careers and their Reputations.

There is nothing to be gained.

Only problems are from the bottomless pit of CASH and CONTROL the Pharma/CDC, FDA and NIH Cartels have.

Our medical Agencies DO NOT care if you get Severely Injured or Die from these mRNA vaccines.

They stopped Medical Doctors from prescribing Hydroxychloroquine which is KNOWN to dramatically help Covid patients.

Look up Dr. Sabine Hazan, watch her videos on Rumble. They are banned on Youtube

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