Guilty of Existing

4 months ago

Opening Scene: Intense background music with quick cuts of surveillance footage, financial transactions, and personal activities. Voiceover: "Matt Gaetz on Tim Cast says monitoring how criminals move, spend money, and act is the way to catch criminals. He's right. Matt does this to gather evidence to bust an individual or group suspected of producing bad fruit through bad behavior.”
Middle Scene: Shift to scenes of people being censored and monitored. Voiceover: "It's the exact same thing we are experiencing in the general public. Presumption of innocence reversed is assumption of guilt. Which is not allowed, so through the back door approach of 'concern' for you and prosecuting evil to protect you. They censor and monitor to gather the evidence. The 'Beast System' is the monitoring and tracking of these things."
Transition Scene: Visuals of a dark, dystopian world with tracking and monitoring everywhere. Voiceover: "When this is done to us, it's about catching the criminal to protect us. 'Fairness' gives them the backdoor approach to look at everyone, treating us as criminals who just need to be caught. They want to begin a process of getting us out of the way. They want us dead and gone, as in 'stamping out the seed of the woman,' as in 'usurping the planet.' We are guilty of existing in their eyes, so the process of convicting us has begun with small and trivial and will later be conflated into existing at all."
Ending Scene: Visual of a person looking at a camera with fear, followed by a quote from Ephesians 6:12. Voiceover: "They are led by the fallen angels, all 25% of them given over to the Beast System. Believing they will rule and reign but instead, they will be blamed and thrown under the bus or better yet, into the Lake of Fire. Ephesians 6:12: 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.' The fallen angels lead the few Nephilim still around and demons who lead the 25% of people given over to the Beast System. So all the people who are destroying the planet and man through the reversing of life will be wiped off the face of the Earth and into a lake of fire when, if not for God intervening, mankind would cease to exist."

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