4th Annual JTS Event Recap

7 months ago

- Not somewhat yes, dear, but yes, there is just dear. - So I've mentioned it already on one of the other episodes, but I wanna mention this again. Bill and John Lee were the primary people behind this. Bill, you correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that you guys were the two that were responsible for all the configuration and the Thursday run and the Friday run. All that is stuff you guys came up with on your own. And feel free to say that John wasn't a part of it at all. - No, it was a joint effort. And so Friday I kind of took the lead on Friday for the Little Hill Country Ride and barbecue outing. And then Saturday John was leading the group ride for the easy group or whatever. And then Zabo and team were on another group with I think the Platinum Off-Road guys were there doing kind of their own run. But I would say I probably got the better part of that deal in terms of barbecue and not having to get in and out of my vehicle. I think John was in and out of his vehicle nonstop. And at the end of the day, the sun burnt and wore out and he was like, "I'm done wheeling. I just wanna sit in my chair and drink a beer and smoke some cigars." - He did a wonderful job. I mean, certainly trail riding, but we had a brand new lady out there from the standpoint of she had a Jeep. It was, as far as I remember, it was not modified. And she was an absolute beginner. She had never taken her Jeep off-road before. And I am just so proud that she came out. I think we talked about it last Zoom meeting because she was messaging me on, or really rather the show on Instagram. - Yeah, you never did post her picture. - But she doesn't have any pictures online.

I did apologize for you guys. I mean, I invited her to the Discord server and did apologize how you guys act on the Discord server. And she says, "I work with men in oil and gas. I'm fine." - Yeah, I mean, he had scrapes from some fall on the trail and bruises and sunburnt. And so, like I said, I think I got the better end of that deal. - John Lee looked like he'd been put through the ringer. That's for sure.

- Were you the tail gunner, Bill? - I was, yeah. On the day two, I'm like, "I'm gonna sit here in the back and hang out with Andrew or whatever." - So your job was basically, yeah, we all made it over the obstacle. - Yeah, it was to help with the stragglers and just keep things moving. - So, yep. - So how was the barbecue? - It was good. Yeah, I got some to go and had it for dinner later on that night, so. - Yep, same here. Barbecue, it was a very unique experience. That's the first time I've been to a pit barbecue like that where you actually line up in front of the pit first, you go through and you pick out what you want. And they got everything in that pit. Pick out what you want. And then they wrap it all up in this pail and take it in and cut it all up for you. And then while they're doing that, you go in and you pick out your sides and stuff. And they're extremely, extremely friendly, extremely helpful. It was a very, very pleasant experience. And the food was good, really good.

- I mean, good brisket barbecue is just, it's heavenly.

It's wonderful if you find a good place.

- Yeah. - That's Rick from Arkansas by the way. I know I forgot to introduce myself.

- All right, well, man.

- Yeah, I was curious to see what you guys thought of that, that ride on their little hill country ride. I mean, it wasn't technical by any means unless you consider the heat as technical and you're Rick driving out there at no top in the dust and all that, but I'd be curious to kind of get some feedback on what you guys thought of that. - Yeah, it's a good thing to do next year. I think is where Bill's gone with that. - Yeah, Rick from Arkansas again. I enjoyed it. It was just, it was a nice leisurely, no pressure type of deal. We just kind of cruise through. And like you said, through the countryside, I saw a lot of Texas countryside that I would not have got to see other than the, I mean, the dusty rocky stuff, like in the picture behind me.

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