At Disastrous G7 Presser, Biden Gives Garbled Answer On Hunter, Snaps At Reporter: Part 1

8 months ago

Crooked Joe Biden shuffles into his highly scripted "press conference" with Zelensky (over an hour late.) — Biden (slurring): "…on the matter of Russia's frozen assets in Europe and other places outside of Euro— uhhh, outside of Russia" — Biden is malfunctioning before our eyes. Yikes! — Biden says he'll take just two questions from the American press — then calls on the first reporter from a pre-selected list. — Crooked Joe Biden says he's "extremely proud" of deadbeat Hunter — and says he's the "brightest, most decent" person he knows. — CNN pans in on Biden — who has no idea where he is. — Biden (reading from his pre-written script): "American Reporter"

— Biden holds a VERY RARE, highly scripted "press conference" — then scolds the press for asking him a question: "I wish you guys would play by the rules a little bit" -- ATTACK ON THE FREE PRESS! DEMOCRACY DIES IN DARKNESS! DISGUSTING! — Crooked Joe Biden says it's "just terrible" Republicans demanded border security before sending billions to foreign countries — but promises them "a lot more money coming" — Crooked Joe Biden ends his highly scripted "press conference" after taking just a few questions from pre-selected reporters. — KJP comes over the loudspeaker and music plays. — He and Zelensky shuffle off into the night.

• More at: RedState - At Disastrous G7 Presser, Biden Gives Garbled Answer on Hunter, Snaps at Reporter
Twitchy: Biden Wishes Reporters Would ‘Play by the Rules’ When Asking Questions
Rumble: At Disastrous G7 Presser, Biden Gives Garbled Answer On Hunter, Snaps At Reporter: Part 2

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