頂級BBC主持人在發誓揭露新冠疫苗後死亡 Top BBC Presenter Found Dead After Vowing To Expose Covid Vaccines

8 months ago


頂級 #BBC 主持人在發誓揭露 #新冠疫苗 後死亡

Top BBC Presenter Found Dead After Vowing To Expose #CovidVaccine s


#邁克爾莫斯利 博士的死是否與他分析自己身體對新冠疫苗反應的工作有關?

隨著真相浮出水面並威脅要摧毀那些扮演上帝和屠殺羊群的人,全球 #精英 和他們那些有用的白痴正在爭先恐後地掩蓋他們在 #新冠 #大流行 期間犯下的 #反人類罪 。



#告密者 一個接一個地站出來,儘管他們盡了最大努力,但他們無法讓我們所有人保持沈默。

Could the death of Dr. #MichaelMosley have had anything to do with his work analyzing his own body's response to the Covid vaccines?

The global #Elite and their useful idiots are scrambling to cover up the #CrimesAgainstHumanity they perpetrated during the #Covid #Plandemic , as the truth emerges and threatens to destroy those who played god and culled the herd.

Protected by the complicit media, these murderers thought they had carried out the perfect crime.

But they made a fatal misjudgment. They underestimated us. There are those among us who cannot be bought out. There are those among us who will fight to the bitter end to expose their lies and serve them with justice.

#WhistleBlower s are coming forward one by one and try as they might, they will not be able to silence us all.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v50zilu-top-bbc-presenter-found-dead-after-vowing-to-expose-covid-vaccines.html

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