Article 4876 Video - Air Jurisdiction Issues - Sunday, June 9, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4876 Video - Air Jurisdiction Issues - Sunday, June 9, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The existence of God, the Creator, can be inferred, but can't be proven, so this fundamental pillar of the Air Jurisdiction depends on belief, and on evidence that logically implies the existence of Creator -- but as that evidence is inferred from the Creation itself, we run smack into a syllogism that is unresolvable.

Do we believe in the Creator because we observe the Creation, or do we observe the Creation and assume the Creator?

Is it all a chicken, or an egg?

Endless generations of people have fought and died and killed each other and held contempt for each other for lack of any sane way to resolve such questions.

In the realm of belief, we either believe something or we don't. The better prepared among us throw up their hands and accept the Magnum Mysterium.

If we use our response to the purported threat posed by this thing called Covid-19 to justify a belief in its existence, then by all the upheavals and accommodations and media attention and the massive amounts of money and labor spent, it certainly appears that Covid-19 must exist.

We are in exactly the same bind as with the existence of God, the Creator.

The proof relies on the response, but the response can represent any number of things--- delusion, hysteria, false information, deliberate fraud, or a smokescreen created by idolatrous Philistines.

And so it is that we enter the realm of belief, and most people will be amazed to hear that after all this time, these trillions spent, and all these lives lost, no such virus or viral agent known as Covid-19 has been proven to exist.

Coronaviruses exist, but does Covid-19 exist?

Apart from a few small independent laboratories that have been unsuccessful in isolating any such "virus", the Koch protocols haven't even been tried.

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