International Public Notice: To the Government of the Philippines By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4872 Video - International Public Notice: To the Government of the Philippines - Saturday, June 8, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

The Government of the Philippines and specifically the President of the Philippines was named the Trustee of American gold in 1934. Our gold was trafficked offshore by the U.S. Navy beginning in the 1890s and cashiered in the Philippines.

That is how Ferdinand Marcos became involved in our gold supplies and safekeeping receipts. That's why President Kennedy had to confer with Marcos to establish the backing for the Kennedy Dollars that are still sitting uncut and unused all over the world.

It's our gold. It belongs to the American Government, not the Government of the Philippines. It was trafficked offshore by misdirected public employees without our knowledge or consent during our purported "interregnum".

It must now be returned to the actual owners.

Possession by pirates does not change ownership.

The Government of the Philippines also owes gold to individual Americans, including Julius Shiva, the Heir of the Avila Family Trust and the Attorney-in-Fact of the Severino Sta. Romano Estate.

Severino by his own plan and admission was a professional Metals Depositor hired to make gold deposits underwriting the central bank members of the Bank for International Settlements.

Neither he nor his family had any actual interest in the gold he deposited for the Avila Family Trust, a fact that he confirmed repeatedly while alive. He told his wife, sons, and daughter the truth about this and also made sure that Julius knew the truth about his function and position with respect to the gold and other precious metals he deposited.

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