Article 4871 Video - Still More Gossip-Mongering - Friday, June 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4871 Video - Still More Gossip-Mongering - Friday, June 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We don't know what is wrong with Florida. It seems to be the hotbed of every kind of rumor, especially rumors about money and banking.

The Global Family Bank Vault Program doesn't change your worthless Federal Reserve Notes into anything called "Lupins".

Your FRNs sit just inside the Global Gateway, protected from being snatched in Bail Outs or Bail Ins such as those that have already hit Cuba.

This may be Big News to you, but except for Mexico and Canada, no other countries on Earth are trading in Federal Reserve Notes. As of Monday, they may not be trading in USD, either.

The Global Family Vault program is the only program (and only bank) on Earth offering to make good your losses due to inflation and counterfeiting and everything else that has gone on with the FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE.

This con started out in 1934 with one FRN being "deemed" equal in value to one Silver Dollar ---in the imagination of certain central bankers.

Guess what has happened since then?

The Federal Reserve Note has lost value every year of its existence, and now you are stuck holding onto this paper.

The ratio is no longer one to one.

That Federal Reserve Note "dollar" that you are clutching is actually worth less than half of one cent and headed straight for zero in the actual, factual world.

That's why it now costs $10 for a bag of potato chips and it's not even a big bag. Even in the domestic market, the FRN is obviously down to about 20% of its value fifteen years ago, and you stare at that fact every day at the grocery store.

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Global Family (Bank) Prepaid 528 Prosperity
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