The Redemption of Israel & Subjugation of the Nations

8 months ago

David declares that Israel's Father, YAH the Most High is above all gods so please stop calling Him by that relegating title. David goes on to recall how YAH destroyed Egypt (which showed His superiority to their gods) and all the kingdoms of Canaan (which also showed His superiority to their gods). YAH judges His people, Israel according to the covenant He made with us at mount Sinai (Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28), but all discord between YAH and Israel is temporary; YAH will ALWAYS be at peace again with Israel -- it is inevitable and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it from happening. Therefore, the days of the Second Exodus are at hand, which is referred to in Jeremiah 23:7-8. Yes, the forced migration of the black people who were enslaved during the Transatlantic Slave Trade, Arab Slave Trade, etc. will be overturned by YAH Himself and we will be gathered together and returned to the promised land once again as in the days of old. All nations will bear witness to our redemption and in the end, the nations left will either submit to Israel or be utterly destroyed (to be utterly destroyed means to be destroyed without any remnant left.) The Kingdom of David/the Kingdom of Israel/the Kingdom of YAH will be established permanently on earth and all wickedness will come to an end, halalYAH!

Video's Scriptures:
Psalms 135:5
Psalms 135:8
Psalms 135:9
Psalms 135:10
Psalms 135:11
Psalms 135:12
Psalms 135:13
Psalms 135:14
Jeremiah 23:7
Jeremiah 23:8
Isaiah 60:1
Isaiah 60:2
Isaiah 60:10
Isaiah 60:11
Isaiah 60:12
Isaiah 60:14
Psalms 135:19
Psalms 135:20
Psalms 135:21
Psalms 35:27
Psalms 35:28
Psalms 65:8
Psalms 65:9
Psalms 65:10

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