Ted Goodman on the BBFC and film censorship

7 months ago

This video is an excerpt of Ted Goodman talking about the British Board of Film Classification, which goes by BBFC.

I don’t want to sound too cloak and dagger but it was forwarded to me by an academic and is from a film which although listed in the IMDb does not appear to have been released, not for public viewing anyway.

It was recorded December 14, 2017 by my informant. You may notice Ted has a problem with his left eye. Earlier that year he was functionally blind in that eye, or as good as, for some time.

The Daily Mirror article displayed at the beginning is included in this database


at March 15, 1988, although it appeared in a different edition of the paper. Many years ago I was told by a librarian that there were four editions of the GUARDIAN printed daily – two in London; two in Manchester. I believe that at this time there were two editions of the DAILY MIRROR so published; one in London; one in Manchester.


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