Fracktard or Fed

9 months ago

Todays rambling topics included:-

Is Nathaniel “Sound the Battle Cry” Marino legit?
Aleister Crowley and Michael Aquino were they working for their respective governments?
Recording your show off your phone in your car is now the "in" thing.
Johnny tries to school Nate on the Gunpowder Plot.
Jesus doesn’t “war”, He just does.
What is a “Theophany”?
Are Jesus and Satan brothers?
The Paid Pastors in our midst.
“Be strong and courageous!”...but Michael is still not Jesus.
What does Walter Veith have against F. Tupper Saussy?
Is there a Temple in Heaven?
The gaslighting attacks on John Calvin continue—from “Christians”!
What is the true symbol of healing?
Did Pope Saint John Paul II win the Cold War?
The stinky Jew in the corner.
“Live by the sword, die by the sword...” — what to do if you are drafted.
“The Fullerton Informer” Jesuit Joe Imbriano
Pintos and Power Wagons
A Jewess now runs Catholic Mexico.
The “Synagogue of Satan” and the “Goyim”.
High-profile secret gender-swapping: is it a really a thing or a psy-op?

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