Is China and Pakistan really “good neighbors, good friends, and good partners,” as Xi Jinping said?

6 months ago

6/9/2024 Is China and Pakistan really “good neighbors, good friends, and good partners,” as Xi Jinping said? Mr. Miles Guo has revealed that Pakistan is one of the most crucial places for the CCP to conduct murder, drug trafficking, human trafficking, organ transplant, and money laundering. The CCP is harming the Chinese people in the name of national strategy!
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #Pakistan #drugtrafficking #smuggle #humantrafficking #organtransplantation #moneylaundering #XiJinping #MilesGuo
6/9/2024 中巴之间真如习近平所说是 “好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴” 的关系吗?郭文贵先生曾爆料巴基斯坦是共产党杀人、贩毒、走私人口、器官移植、洗钱最关键的地方之一,中共打着国家战略的名义,害的就是中国人!
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #贩毒 #走私 #走私人口 #器官移植 #洗钱 #习近平 #郭文贵

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